Ok, I am stuck in a delima, for awhile now my VFAPI wasnt
working at all, but now it finally will alow me to open files, just
not .D2V files like i need to open, the only format it supports now
is, *.aup, how do i save my DVD2AVI project files as .aup? b/c this
is really starting to piss me off, i have already waisted enough
time on this, ya know!! grr, its soooo agrivationg, please help me,
im still learning!
Thanks alot,
working at all, but now it finally will alow me to open files, just
not .D2V files like i need to open, the only format it supports now
is, *.aup, how do i save my DVD2AVI project files as .aup? b/c this
is really starting to piss me off, i have already waisted enough
time on this, ya know!! grr, its soooo agrivationg, please help me,
im still learning!
Thanks alot,
