I need some DIVX Edit/Virtual Dub ADVICE!

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  • PohPoh
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2002
    • 7

    I need some DIVX Edit/Virtual Dub ADVICE!

    Hey All,

    I am having a small VDUB/DIVX Editing problem.. Maybe someone out there in Web Land can help me out..

    Ok I captured some stuff using VDUB to DIvx.. and A little extra junk fottage was caught at the start and finish of the file.. So I did the usual direst stream video/audio, mark and setting, and resaving to remove the junk and for some reason It will not remove the extra junk at the start.. The stuff at the end disappears but no matter how I try to delete the start stuff it just won't go away!

    I looked at some other DIVX/AVI eidtors and they seem really bunk.. anyone know what I should use.. BTW someone told me to scan for bad frames or some crap and I did that.. with no bad frames.. SO I am lost.. I need to get rid of the start stuff but how? Does anyone else ever have this problem with VDUB and DIVX?

    Thanks In Adavnce..

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Your "little extra junk fottage ... at the start" probably doesn't occupy ALL the frames between the very beginning and the next keyframe.

    The following requires a lot of words to describe the procedure, but it's actually quite simple:

    Load the original .AVI into VirtualDub
    Duplicate, as a separate .AVI with a new name (e.g. A.AVI), the beginning to the next keyframe.
    Recompress the duplicated part using the identical DivX codec and settings that you used on the original .AVI - EXCEPT, change the "keyframes" from the default to the lowest possible setting. Save this revised tiny .AVI with yet another new filename (e.g. B.AVI).
    Delete from the original .AVI the beginning to the next keyframe
    Set BOTH "Video" and "Audio" to "Direct Stream Copy"
    Save the remaining file with a new filename (e.g. Primary.AVI)

    Close and restart VirtualDub
    Set BOTH "Vidoe" and "Audio" to "Direct Stream Copy"
    Load the B.AVI
    Append the Primary.AVI
    Save with a new filename (e.g. Final .AVI)

    Let us know of your success ;>}

