How to upgrade DVD-Rebuilder (free 098.2) to remove the encoder HC019.1 and replace with encoder HC020
Download the program HC020 (mpeg 2 encoder) from bitburners and make a copy of the file HCenc_020 and rename it to HCbatch.
In the DVD-Rebuilder program (free 098.2) the file named HCbatch delete and replace it with the file you renamed to HCbatch.

Also, have not tested this yet, if you use HC020 manually as a standalone mpeg2 encoder not associated with DVD-Rebuilder to input the video d2v file and output the video m2v file down to 4.37gb, you should be able to load the latest, newest d2v video file from DGIndex (dgmpgd 1.4.9 beta 14) and it should load and run using HC020.