FAQ: How to post your file information with VirtualdubMOD
This is asked so often around here I felt this will help when it is asked for a screenshot to identify what the file(s) in question have for attributes. It takes only a minute.
get VirtualdubMOD here (freeware)
With it open, Go to File>Open video File. Find the file on your Hard Disc>Click Open.
Now the file should be loaded. Go to File>File Information, and you will see a screnshot like this:

This is what to post in your Thread. With that info window open, press and hold the "Alt" button, while pressing the "Print Screen" button. Release keys. Close out VirtualdubMOD completely.
Open MS Paint and go to "Edit">"Paste". Now go to "File">"Save As". Provide a name and Change "Save As Type" to ".png". save to a desired area on your PC.

Go to imageshack
"Browse" for the file you just made on your PC, Click "Host". Copy and Paste the link under "Hotlink for forums 1". If you want a clickable image select all text, if you want just an image (like the ones in this post) select only the information between (and including) the "[IMG] & [/IMG]" (Omitting the [URL.] & [/URL.]).

This is asked so often around here I felt this will help when it is asked for a screenshot to identify what the file(s) in question have for attributes. It takes only a minute.
get VirtualdubMOD here (freeware)
With it open, Go to File>Open video File. Find the file on your Hard Disc>Click Open.
Now the file should be loaded. Go to File>File Information, and you will see a screnshot like this:

This is what to post in your Thread. With that info window open, press and hold the "Alt" button, while pressing the "Print Screen" button. Release keys. Close out VirtualdubMOD completely.
Open MS Paint and go to "Edit">"Paste". Now go to "File">"Save As". Provide a name and Change "Save As Type" to ".png". save to a desired area on your PC.

Go to imageshack
"Browse" for the file you just made on your PC, Click "Host". Copy and Paste the link under "Hotlink for forums 1". If you want a clickable image select all text, if you want just an image (like the ones in this post) select only the information between (and including) the "[IMG] & [/IMG]" (Omitting the [URL.] & [/URL.]).