Regular DVD & Blu-Ray Discs

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  • gonwk
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Dec 2005
    • 1500

    Regular DVD & Blu-Ray Discs

    Hi folks,

    I searched the forum and I did not find an answer on this. Also, I was not sure if I should put it here or under "Blu-Ray" section ...

    I am curious to know from the Regulars here ... if they had a Crystal Ball ...

    Q: How long before all the Movies to be coming out ONLY in Blu-Ray discs and no longer have Regular DVDs!?!? 1 year, 2 year or what!?!?

    Or there will always be a DVD version of all the new titles!?!?


  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    I'm guessing another 6-8 years, if it ever happens. The Blu-ray people are predicting they will get 50% of the market in 4 years, which means that half of the people will still be buying DVDs at that time, so I don't think they'll stop releasing on DVDs, not if it means losing half of their market.

    I think we'll see pure digital distribution (online downloads, streaming) becoming relatively widespread before Blu-ray *completely* replaces DVD. By which time, we'll be asking when digital distribution will replace Blu-ray.
    Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


    • gonwk
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Dec 2005
      • 1500

      Originally Posted by admin
      ... I think we'll see pure digital distribution (online downloads, streaming) becoming relatively widespread before Blu-ray *completely* replaces DVD. By which time, we'll be asking when digital distribution will replace Blu-ray.
      Hi Admin,

      Thanks for responding!

      Digital Distribution ... what about those folks that have no means of downloading Movies ... and still would want to get a title!?!?

      Does that mean they expect everyone be wired into the net in few years out!?!?



      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8964

        For those without Internet, download kiosks at traditional outlets will be the main way to buy movies - bring your USB device, search and find a movie from the thousands available to download at each kiosk, download to your USB device, take it home and upload it to your player/media storage device.

        DVD or Blu-ray still have a role in this digital future, but only as the media that carries the movie, rather than a full fledged video format. Once uploaded, you won't need the media anymore, except for backup purposes (that's why some will still prefer discs, although you will have to pay more for the pleasure). I guess each person/household would have some kind of account that stores which movies they've purchased, in case they need to download it again (for free) in the future.

        So you have a player that can connect directly online to download/stream movies, accept movies uploaded through USB or on DVD/Blu-ray, as well as being able to connect to your home media server to stream movies off that (if the player itself isn't a home media server to begin with). Your movie library, being purely digital, is automatically categorized and organized for instant viewing.

        All of this exists in my imagination only of course, but the technology is already here (eg. the PS3).
        Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


        • jmet
          Super Moderator
          • Nov 2002
          • 8697

          I believe DVD will be here for as long as Blu-ray if not longer. Just look at VHS....VHS is still around if you look in the right places. There was such a drastic difference in quality between DVD and VHS. I cannot say the samething for DVD and Blu-ray. With the right setup, hardware, cabling, and a good upscaling DVD player, you have close to HD quality right there. If Blu-ray players were the only players with a HDMI port, I could see DVD being eventually phased out. (Don't forget cassette tapes either)

          In regards to "digital distribution", it has awhile in my opinion before it even gets classifeied a threat to DVD and/or Blu-ray. If you take where I live, we just got the ability to have 1MB down but, its $80.00 a month for that. In a global economic recession, your lower to middle class consumer cannot justify that kind of money for something they may use once or twice a week.

          Just my two cents....
          Last edited by jmet; 1 Jan 2009, 09:35 AM.


          • admin
            • Nov 2001
            • 8964

            Speaking of kiosks:

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