Somtimes when im useing shrink, if i try to preveiw a clip windows shuts down i get different errors pfn list corrupt,is one the other is bad pool header, and another is, page fault in a nonpage area. Its not all the time its ok if i just drag and drop the main tittle but if i fool around with trying to insert a still image, or like i said preview, sometimes it shuts down. I read some of the problems others in the past have had but none of them seem the same as mine, i have an hp desktop and they did somthing at the factory were a person like myself cant get into the bios to mess things up any ideals whats happening?
Windows shutting down
have you read the FAQ by any chance?
"One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
Columbo moments...
"Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
"You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
(An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)
Yes thats what i read it seems it could be a number of things i was hoping those error message would help. There is one thing that catches my eye and thats is ,"Colour depth:
Normally your desktop should be set to 32-bits for DVD Shrink to manipulate video correctly.
Seems DVD Shrink 3.1 will crash as long as colour depth is set to 32-bits. When I switched to 16-bit, it stopped crashing. Even at 800x600 resolution (I normally run at 1600x1200). But when switched to 16-bits, it doesn’t crash at any resolution, even 1600x1200. Credit: nevar " BUT thats for ver.3.1?Keep Plugin away
that's really odd, its very likely a graphics card problem (getting a LOT of these lately). 16-bit should be beneficial ONLY to very very old PC's, i'm talking ~400MHz with onboard video. 32-bit is fine and will not degrade performance whatsoever, for pretty much everything above that..
the only time i'd recommend 16-bit is if you're trying to play video on such an old pc. even then, its just not worth watching...
ps. mill, make sure you give our 'dual-core' thread a good read, i can say with confidence you will run into problems, especially if you play gamesComment
Hey Anonymez, whats happening. I have been following the thread from time to time ,but i have to be honest alot of its over my head.Yea im getting butterflys it wont be long now till it gets here.Im sure ill run into alot of things, ive been thinking about keeping the dual core off line and useing it for play only, i hope the drivers are up to date, and that i can install dvdd, imgburn, pcgedit and shrink to name a few ,without losing any more of my hair.Im not sure about windows updates if i keep it off line. But to get back to the subject, with windows crashing somtimes when i preview clips in shrink, i was also thinking maybe the video card, this 230n has nvidia geforce4 mx integrated gpu, and maybe i was clicking on to many things to fast. i been fooling around with them inserts, you no the ones , tittle removed and the one Tnt made, the FBI warning . Ive wasnt sure on how to do it at first but i think i have it now and if i take my time in shrink i somtimes can do it without windows crashing on me and dumping memory.Last edited by mill; 16 Dec 2005, 02:40 PM.Keep Plugin away
anony, I don't game and the 16 bit is a holdover from olden days
when 32 bit really slowed a computer, the vid card is where I cut on a computer, it hurt to spend 80$ on the one in the beast, I run it at 32 bit.
When a client says I want to game, I say how much do you want to spend?
mill, anony may be talking about drivers and/or directxComment