I was sent over here, from another forum, b/c I'm having all kinds of trouble with my computer.
I want to start with this problem 1st.
I have a Gateway desktop computer, that is a little under 2 years old. I dont know the specific model number, but I'll find it, if needed.
I recently was given an Ipod as an early xmas present. I did everything it said, and downloaded Itunes to my desktop. I was going to attempt to start uploading my cds to my computer last weekend, when I ran into a problem.
My computer wont recognize, or play any of my cds anymore.
Cds, and dvds share the same drive. Whats weird is, the dvds will play without issue, but anytime I put a cd in, it completely locks up the computer, to where I have to restart. Every time, every cd.
It used to play cds fine. I'd put one in, and it'd auto-prompt me to see if I wanted to play it using windows media, music match, etc. Now it doesnt auto-prompt at all.
When I install a cd, and go to "my computer", it shows that there is an audio disc in, but when I right-click, and hit play it locks up.
I dont know what to do. All I want to do is upload my music.
I posted a similar question, on a different forum, and here's the responses I was given:
I've tried every response that I was given, but nothing has changed.
I was hoping to maybe get some more help here.
If anyone has any suggestions, please dumb down the answers as much as you can.
Any help would be great.
Thanks for your time.
I was sent over here, from another forum, b/c I'm having all kinds of trouble with my computer.
I want to start with this problem 1st.
I have a Gateway desktop computer, that is a little under 2 years old. I dont know the specific model number, but I'll find it, if needed.
I recently was given an Ipod as an early xmas present. I did everything it said, and downloaded Itunes to my desktop. I was going to attempt to start uploading my cds to my computer last weekend, when I ran into a problem.
My computer wont recognize, or play any of my cds anymore.
Cds, and dvds share the same drive. Whats weird is, the dvds will play without issue, but anytime I put a cd in, it completely locks up the computer, to where I have to restart. Every time, every cd.
It used to play cds fine. I'd put one in, and it'd auto-prompt me to see if I wanted to play it using windows media, music match, etc. Now it doesnt auto-prompt at all.
When I install a cd, and go to "my computer", it shows that there is an audio disc in, but when I right-click, and hit play it locks up.
I dont know what to do. All I want to do is upload my music.
I posted a similar question, on a different forum, and here's the responses I was given:
I've tried every response that I was given, but nothing has changed.
I was hoping to maybe get some more help here.
If anyone has any suggestions, please dumb down the answers as much as you can.
Any help would be great.
Thanks for your time.
