Hi folks,
To the Software Gurus here ... I happen to download this little BAT ... not to use it just to look at the Command and when I right-click on it to OPEN it ... I thought it would give me an Option what to Open it with and instead it just ran in cmd.exe.
Restart.bat (shutdown -r -t 30) Stuff in the Paranthesis is what is inside the "Restart.bat".
Q: Has this screwball .BAT lodged itself somewhere in my laptop? If so, where!?!?
To the Software Gurus here ... I happen to download this little BAT ... not to use it just to look at the Command and when I right-click on it to OPEN it ... I thought it would give me an Option what to Open it with and instead it just ran in cmd.exe.
Restart.bat (shutdown -r -t 30) Stuff in the Paranthesis is what is inside the "Restart.bat".
Q: Has this screwball .BAT lodged itself somewhere in my laptop? If so, where!?!?