Which is better Vista or Windows 7
just a newbie question
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The main reason W7 is better than vista is because they designed the code to be MUCH faster and include a couple add-ons (if you will) to vista, but pretty much everything has been re-done.Comment
It would be interesting to see a "blind taste test" of the 2. Like, turn off jump lists and put a theme with glass that looks like it could be either one and let people use it. I bet Vista 64 bit SP1 would be indistinguishable from Windows7 64 bit if you couldn't look under the covers.Comment
I joined the Digital Video Forum yesterday evening. Despite spending an hour searching and trying all the buttons and links etc., I still cannot find how to enter a new Thread or make a Post, whichever refers to typing in a question to pose on the Forum. I have used the Post Reply on this Administrator answer as I can find no other way in. Help Please!
The whole thing is a bit silly. "Vista" and "Windows Seven" are just marketing names. "Vista" is Windows 6.0 and "Windows Seven" is Windows 6.1. Just make the GetVersion() API call in a program and see the result.
If you have AutoHotKey you can run this script yourself to see the number:
Code:version := _WinVersion() MsgBox, 4160, WindowsVersion, Windows Version is %version% _LoWord(arg) { Return arg & 0xFFFF } _HiWord(arg) { Return arg >> 16 } _LoByte(arg) { Return arg & 0x00FF } _HiByte(arg) { Return (arg & 0xFF00) >> 8 } _WinVersionMajor() { Return _LoByte(_LoWord(DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetVersion", "UInt", -1))) } _WinVersionMinor() { Return _HiByte(_LoWord(DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetVersion", "UInt", -1))) } _WinVersion() { dwVersion := DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetVersion", "UInt", -1) Return _LoByte(_LoWord(dwVersion)) . "." . _HiByte(_LoWord(dwVersion)) }
Last edited by MilesAhead; 18 Aug 2010, 03:19 AM.Comment
Well, that's what it is. It's the result of the MS API call. I didn't make it up.
edit: SP1 is coming out. Maybe they'll bump it up to 6.5 for you.Comment
.ISO files
I copied a movie to an ISO file and it doesn't show up I have over-written it just to make sure of the location of the output files. but they are not visible. i try a search with no results. now i got 4g of space i cant erase. has anyone had this happen? WIN 7starter - DVDShrink - (&& I have the codec pak(s) & Classic media player)Comment