Eyes on HD DVD v Blu-ray

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Eyes on HD DVD v Blu-ray

    THE high-definition DVD format battle is far from over, according to figures released by independent online DVD rental company Quickflix.

    Of the company's more than 17,000 subscribers, 1900 had rented or requested HD DVD titles against 1030 for the rival Blu-ray titles. There were also 4041 requests for HD DVD titles in the Quickflix queue as opposed to a mere 1638 for Blu-Ray.

    Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog
  • photo_angel2004
    Queen of Digital Video
    Queen of Digital Video
    • Jan 2004
    • 3558

    WOW those are some big numbers for people wanting those.
    Out local video rental stores do not stock ANY at all of HD or Blu -Ray they have no call for them at all they are dead weight for the most part.

    Best buy in Brookfield has a total of about 10 may 12 titles to choose from in the store on HD and about 10 or so in bly-ray they too have no call for them and for the most part they are sittling on the stores shelves collecting dust.
    I know online there is a much larger selection on those discs. But I would think if the physical stores wont stock them there is a reason for it.

    No one seems to want them except for a very few that have to have the best.

    IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **

