Dead PS3s Wanted: Group Wants To Find Cause of PS3 Firmware Troubles

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Dead PS3s Wanted: Group Wants To Find Cause of PS3 Firmware Troubles

    With Sony staying silent on the possible cause of dead Blu-ray drives after firmware updates, a group of individuals is on a missing to find out just why drives died after the firmware update, and they think they may have found the culprit.

    A file the firmware update package called "BDPT_FIRMWARE_PACKAGE_306R.PKG", which updates the Blu-ray drive, is suspected to be the one causing the problems, but the only way the group can make sure is to physically examine bricked PS3s.

    They are asking users to donate or sell to them their dead PS3s, only those that haven't been tampered with.

    With a class action lawsuit being launched against Sony for this very same problem, it's unlikely that Sony will be able to provide any official assistance or statements in regards to the problem.

    This comment posted after the original call for dead PS3s was posted was interesting:

    In our estimation, SCE is hoping to get away with it because they erroneously believe that their security is watertight and no one will ever know, or more correctly, no one will be able to prove any wrong doing on their part.

    Yes, their security is very good; but it isn't anywhere near as watertight as they'd like to believe.

    We have already extracted the various FW versions from various builds of drives in the past. So we're in a very good position to determine from a dead drive what exactly has happened to it.

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