Porn Downloads Next On Copyright Hit-list

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Porn Downloads Next On Copyright Hit-list

    Hundreds of users downloading pirated porn on BitTorrent networks could start to receive US Copyright Group style infringement notices for downloading movies such as "Amateur Allure" and "Shemales From Hell".

    300 users are being targeted in the first round of lawsuits. History from overseas show that users are much much more likely to settle porn piracy cases than say for mainstream movies like The Hurt Locker, due to the embarrassing nature of content in question. So much so that even those who feel they are innocent are more than likely to pay up to avoid the case going to court.

    Critics say this amounts to a form legal blackmail, especially considering the content in question.


    Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog
  • doctorhardware
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Dec 2006
    • 1907

    This crap is really getting out of hand on the law suits. But since Obama is in their back pockets I do not see any thing happening to the people using that style of tactics.
    Star Baby Girl, Born March,1997 Died June 30th 2007 6:35 PM.


    • dr_ml422
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • May 2007
      • 1903

      I thought the Porn Guys could care less about copyright infringement and actually said it was helping rather than hurting? Why would the USCG get involved if the Porn Makers could care less? I'm missing something here. Is it just to discourage Piracy in general and hit the torrent sites w/w/e now? Didn't Digital Playground Founder say this whole anti-piracy nonsense was a waste?

      As far as the embarrassing nature is concerned, I would care less since I'm single, though I don't dl'd any movies period. So I would if it was the case only be PO to having been summoned and going through the process than being exposed as liking some Adult Action once in a while.

      Man do I miss the real Times Square! It's Disney Land now thanks to Guliani and his BS. The cops/firefighters/sanitation guys hate his guts. He robbed them of so much back money due to retroactive contract settlements. He would never see one vote from them again, especially sanitation who makes the most.

      Take the suggestions and follow the directions. The results will speak for themselves.

      Google is definitely our friend.


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8964

        Porn mass lawsuits are not facing the same problem as the more traditional movie download law suits, in that the jurisdiction issues means that law firms must file separate lawsuits based on the geographical location of users, and can't just lump everyone in the same lawsuit. A victory for the EFF, but whether this is a temporary one depends on whether having to file lawsuits everyone damages the ROI on these lawsuits enough to make them not worth the effort.

        Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


        • Daimlerush
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 10

          I hate porn movies on internet. any kid can watch them

