The Worst Movie This Year

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  • rsquirell
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Feb 2003
    • 1329

    Yeah, but as long as you are listening to his every word...he has a tendancy of telling you exactly what he's going to do. In the post 9/11 speech he declared a war on terrorism ( Not Afghanistan, Not the Taliban, Not AlQuida, Not Iraq, Not Sadam) AND the STATES THAT SPONSOR Terrorism. That first Winter (when it's cool in those parts) We took Afghanistan (something the USSR couldn't do after 10 years of fighting...that war is what broke them up). The next Winter he took IRAQ...and now we have a base in the region. In his speech last night he referred to IRAQ as the "Central Front on the War on Terror". What's it in the center of? and isn't another Winter almost upon us?


    • Livewire
      • Jun 2003
      • 56

      It is just one of those "Hypoalergenic" words that are used to make somthing sound interesting, but really don't mean anything.

      When you think of it, 90% of Americans are ignorant and would buy almost anything if it sounded good. Politics are no different.
      Ever get a Bonectamy done before?
      This topic is so Astribucated.

      Government throws more money at a problem, so it looks like they are making a difference.


      • MPS
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        • Mar 2003
        • 358

        yup, so get ready... North Korea!


        • rsquirell
          Digital Video Master
          Digital Video Master
          • Feb 2003
          • 1329

          I was thinking of doing something REALLY strategic (like bombing an outhouse in the Sudan.)


          • gd_nimrod
            • Nov 2002
            • 1128

            Originally posted by rsquirell
            That first Winter (when it's cool in those parts) We took Afghanistan (something the USSR couldn't do after 10 years of fighting...that war is what broke them up).
            Oh, but tell me, were weapons as advanced back then? Did russia go in with mostly troops, or Apache's like the yankees? Also, did the soviet union really make an all-out offensive? Oh, and how many civilians did they kill, and how many did the americans kill?

            Something to think about.
            Did you know you can SEARCH the forum? Fixes common problems too:

            Also search on the whole Digital-Digest website:


            • MPS
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              • Mar 2003
              • 358

              every war is a fu**ed up idea.
              USA always has to be at war, that sux. i dont like that poland helps them in iraq.

              ! P ! E ! A ! C ! E !


              • rsquirell
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Feb 2003
                • 1329

                Did you see those Special Forces guys riding those horses with the Northern Alliance cavalry? Now that's sophisticated weapondry. Did the USSR throw everything it had into the effort? Well, it drained their resources and depleted the treasury and was one heck of an embarassment that they couldn't even subdue a bordering country. It went on for ten years...and each year it became more embarassing. Of course they threw everything they had at it. I asked a CounterIntel guy how he could be so smug about defending the Fulda Gap in Germany in 1970 when the USSR had 3 tank armies and we had barely 3 tank divisions. He pointed out that most of the tanks at that time were of WWII vintage...and nearly 90% were constantly in for maintenance. "Forget the numbers", he said,"look at what they can field." The rougedness of Afghanistan does not lend itself to tanks....that's a place for helicopters and foot soldiers. And the Rooskies had pretty good helicopters back in those days.


                • MPS
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  • Mar 2003
                  • 358

                  And the Rooskies had pretty good helicopters back in those days.
                  yea... like the one in Rambo III - remember that great flick?


                  • rsquirell
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 1329

                    Yeah...those HINDs were bad MF's. The USSR always seemed to lead us in helicopter technology. I think the reason we were successful and the Russians weren't was because the people of these regions are glad to get rid of the totalitarian dictators and religeous zealots. They look at us as liberators...not conquerers (unlike those rascally canadians )


                    • Oriphus
                      Digital Video Technician
                      Digital Video Technician
                      • Aug 2003
                      • 405

                      Somehow i doubt anyone really looks upon America as a country that liberates. Dont know whay i would think that?? Maybe it would have something to do with tomorrows date in anniversary terms and a lot of other hate for America from all around the world. That is one of the things that baffles Americans. They are forever wondering why world hates them. Liken it to a man with big boots walking through an Ants nest and then wondering why the ants dont like him.....


                      • Oriphus
                        Digital Video Technician
                        Digital Video Technician
                        • Aug 2003
                        • 405

                        Somehow i doubt anyone really looks upon America as a country that liberates. Dont know whay i would think that?? Maybe it would have something to do with tomorrows date in anniversary terms and a lot of other hate for America from all around the world. That is one of the things that baffles Americans. They are forever wondering why world hates them. Liken it to a man with big boots walking through an Ants nest and then wondering why the ants dont like him.....


                        • rsquirell
                          Digital Video Master
                          Digital Video Master
                          • Feb 2003
                          • 1329

                          I'm sure there's an awful lot of envy in there, too. Misery love company. The only way you can truely gain freedom is by continually fighting for it, and resisting the pressure from all sides to go socialist. I don't care if people hate us as long as they don't harm us.


                          • Oriphus
                            Digital Video Technician
                            Digital Video Technician
                            • Aug 2003
                            • 405

                            Im afraid hate has proven to lead to violence in Americas past history. Freedom is necessarily Americans methods or ideas of freedom, as the Americans tend to think it is. Are you really free?? No! Free is to have no ties, no laws, and to do what you want. I dont think that is possible in this day and age.


                            • rsquirell
                              Digital Video Master
                              Digital Video Master
                              • Feb 2003
                              • 1329

                              True, Oriphus. But we've managed to keep from muddling in the middle east ant hill since WWII to let the newly created state of Israel nuture itself...despite the nationalization of our oil wells and refineries by the Arab states, hoping for peace in the region. But the Arabs used their new found oil wealth to purchase weapons and train people to attack Israel and our interests. Even after Jimmy Carter ousted the Shah of Iran and installed the Allatola, only to have him seize our embassy and declare a holy war (Islamic Jihad) on the great satan we pretty much ignored those people hoping that cooler more moderate heads would prevail. But now we have 3000 dead civilians in NYC...our homeland. Those ants don't know the meaning of the word stomped, yet....but they're about to find out. Will the survivors be mad? Yes. Will some innocents be stomped with the guilty? Yes. Do we care? No.


                              • Oriphus
                                Digital Video Technician
                                Digital Video Technician
                                • Aug 2003
                                • 405

                                Wouldnt i be correct o assume that the CIA actually funded Osama Bin Laden to fight off the Russians?? With the same weapons the Americans supplied him, he turned and used them on yourselves. Also, wouldnt i be correct to assume that the Americans also funded and supplied weapons to Saddam?? It looks to me that the Americans are nto too successful with their plans to dominate world order.

