Radio Controlled Helicopters

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  • rsquirell
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Feb 2003
    • 1329

    I thought maybe the rotor blades were those paddles way out on the trailing edge connected to the mast by a slim tube. Looked rather revolutionary.


    • chickeneater
      Digital Video Expert
      Digital Video Expert
      • Apr 2002
      • 672

      I like combat gliding. my friend has a boomerang, a weasel and and XR1
      FFDShow filters
      Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


      • SKD_Tech
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2003
        • 1512

        Hey man unless you have past experience or have been working with a RC Sim I think you should try to find a helper/instructor. It really increases your chances of flying another day


        • rsquirell
          Digital Video Master
          Digital Video Master
          • Feb 2003
          • 1329

          I wouldn't think helicopters would crash well. Everything is interconnected. If you break a blade not only will you have to replace it and it's bearings...but perhaps the mast and motor as well.


          • Oriphus
            Digital Video Technician
            Digital Video Technician
            • Aug 2003
            • 405

            Im going down to my model shop today to see if i can get a cable for my computer to use the rc expert program and connect it to my radio. Hopeful i can learn the controls and how to fly it.

            I would only expect to be flying it around 1 or 2 metres off the ground for the first 5-10 flights and practice my manouvers, that way if a crash does happen, its less likely to cost an arm and a leg to fix it.


            • Easier Way?
              Gold Member
              Gold Member
              • Jan 2003
              • 108

              For about gbp80 to gbp100 you could get a trial lesson in a real helicopter. I took one about 10 years ago and it was worth every penny. Try your phone book for where to go.

              PS I was broke, doing aeroplane lessons and booked a 20 min trial but it was so great I said "give me the full 30 mins!". Flying at walking pace between trees and landing in a tiny field was wonderful. I could hover plus AND minus 100 feet in any direction, typical of a beginer.


              • Oriphus
                Digital Video Technician
                Digital Video Technician
                • Aug 2003
                • 405

                Yeah, I did that not so long ago. Also, when my mate was taking pilot lessons i went along with him to them. Once he qualified and went solo, i must have clocked up atleast 10 hours at the controls, though i never landed or took off.

                Did you do it in Eniskillen or somewhere or did you go to the school at aldergrove?


                • Easier Way?
                  Gold Member
                  Gold Member
                  • Jan 2003
                  • 108

                  Newtownards, much easier than models.


                  • rsquirell
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 1329

                    Sooooo's been three weks since you got that sucker....have you gotten it in the air yet?


                    • Oriphus
                      Digital Video Technician
                      Digital Video Technician
                      • Aug 2003
                      • 405

                      i started her up in the back garden, lifted her a few feet in the air and hovered. Then i moved along the garden and turned and came back. Then i sold it on Ebay becasue with soccer and university i dont really have anytime for flying it. However, just after selling it i tore a ligament in my right knee at soccer training, so now im bored at home cuz i cant play soccer and hav eno helicopter. I bought a stunt kite instead lol. Im gonna give it a try this weekend with my girl friend

                      Going to see a sports specialist (He's the northern Ireland football team doctor) today to have him look at my injury. Lets hope it wont be months till i get back on the team.


                      • rsquirell
                        Digital Video Master
                        Digital Video Master
                        • Feb 2003
                        • 1329

                        Those kites are neat (and crashable)...but I'm glad to hear you were able to maneuver the chopper successfully...albeit for only a short hop. I saw where we were going to be using little drones like that to patrol our borders. eeenteresting. Hope your knee isn't permanent...those football injuries can stay with you for years.


                        • Oriphus
                          Digital Video Technician
                          Digital Video Technician
                          • Aug 2003
                          • 405

                          I think the kite will be good fun yeah. We have a holiday house in a place called Donegal in Ireland which is very rugged countryside and great for outdoor type people. Our house overlooks the atlantic ocean about 100 feet up on a hill so we should get some great winds whipping up, especially the closer it gets to winter.

                          Im going to see the specailist in 4 hous so ill let you know afterwards. There is a fair chance it could be be my cruciate ligament, which would mean atleast a year of intensive physio to get it back to good again. I hope it isnt. More likely a ligament strain rather than a tear or break. Here's to hoping.....


                          • rsquirell
                            Digital Video Master
                            Digital Video Master
                            • Feb 2003
                            • 1329

                            fingers crossed....GL


                            • Oriphus
                              Digital Video Technician
                              Digital Video Technician
                              • Aug 2003
                              • 405

                              Thanks Mate.
                              I discovered the problems. Thankfully, they can all be sorted within the next 3 months with some physio and rehabilitation on the injuries. I had MedialTibial Stress Syndrom with Overpronated Gait on both my shins (shin splints). It turns out its the shape of my foot which is causing strain on the muscles and that needs corrected. I have to buy special insoles designed for my football boots when playing (they are £90 each) which are very expensive. The other thing is isnt ligament damage, its a hamstring problem in behind my knee. Apparently, the hamstring has been damaged at some point and never recovered. The muscle is weak (dont understand that because i have a really powerful kick) and needs physio for 6-8 weeks. Lastly, my left ankle has damaged muscle and needs physio. It should be ok in 3 months. I can start training on the running machines today to get my fitness back and ill be back at training in 4 weeks with matches being a possibility by Christmas. Start my physio in two days. Yeeha


                              • rsquirell
                                Digital Video Master
                                Digital Video Master
                                • Feb 2003
                                • 1329

                                I used to get shin splints in track all the time (back in my atheletic days.) Ancient '60's treatment proceedure was to avoid running on hard surfaces and tape. You'd tape a small cotton ball in the ball of the foot between the big toe and the next toe (1/4 inch cotton tape wrapped once around the foot to secure the ball.) Then a second 1/4 inch piece fo tape tightly wrapped once around the leg just above the ankle. (just in case the new age stuff needs to be supplimented.)

