What Kind Of Job Do You Do
A web developer for an online pet supplies shop that caters quality dog crates, pet bed, toys and more.Last edited by joyknights; 2 Oct 2018, 09:31 AM. -
I thought that since we have had the 'where are you located' and the 'where did your nick come from' this one would be next..So what do you do for a living? I work at a call center for a company called Quill that is owned by Staples, so it is office supplies everything from pencil lead to biometirc time clocks...I am in cutomer service so when someone has a problem I get the call......Leave a comment:
I write articles as a freelancer but wanting to maybe start my own business...maybe..
Also, I liked the air guy better when I thought he sold actual air.Leave a comment:
Good god, I used to be an obnoxious n00b back in 2006, why did someone have to go updating this threadLeave a comment:
A littile bit boring, my main job is to read articles for some products.Leave a comment:
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