This is for all the computer buffs here.It is now an established fact that prolonged viewing of TV,computer screens cause some complaints that can be attributed to Dry Eyes.When we look at the screens with concentration we blink less frequently.Now blinking has a two way function.Firstly it stimulates tear production from the lacrimal glands.Secondly it helps to spread the tear film uniformly over the anterior surface of eye.So a decrease in blink rate produces some amount of dryness of the eyes.The common symptoms are gritty sensation,burning eyes,redness of eyes and reflex watering.An easy solution is to consciously blink more frequently while in front of computers.U can also try to splash some water on ur face and eyes at 30-40 min intervals.But a more practical approach is to have an artificial tear substitute (preferably preservative free) on ur table and just put one drop into each eye every 40 min and continue with ur work.
It is predicted that Computer Vision Syndrome will become a major cause of dry eyes in a few years.And dry eyes can gradually lead to more serious complications involving the cornea of the eyes.So,please take care of ur eyes and prevent DRY EYES.
It is predicted that Computer Vision Syndrome will become a major cause of dry eyes in a few years.And dry eyes can gradually lead to more serious complications involving the cornea of the eyes.So,please take care of ur eyes and prevent DRY EYES.