Well I have been watching the news and there has been a lot of opinions on what the ending symbolized and they all had some interesting theories.But the majority of them also think there is going to be a movie and I kinda agree with them, this just doesn't feel like a David Chase ending to me.I been going to these Soprano message boards and lurking around and I have been seeing a lot of people saying that this was a great ending and your not a real Soprano fan if you can not appreciate the ending.Well I say that's all a bunch of BS!!! those are the people that are so in to the show that they wont admit the ending was disappointing they would rather go around and have every one believe that they are all for the hidden meaning it had
Sopranos Movie???
Chase must have wanted the talk that is going on now about the ending for whatever reason, probably a movie
With Meadow having trouble parking the car, the guy coming in and sitting at the counter and then going to the bathroom, the 2 guys that walked in, it was suspenseful. But the cut to black and silence, not a fade to black like I posted earlier I thought my cable went out, was total BS I agree. And no closing music that was a trademark, the credits rolling in silence was sickening. Chase coulda had a song playing with the 4 of them sitting in the both eating onion rings and that coulda been the end. The show ends just like it started, Tony going to a shrink, Meadow going to school, AJ being a mixed up kid, and Carmela along for the ride.Last edited by jm1647; 12 Jun 2007, 11:10 AM.Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
i'm less upset by the ending now, having seen it a few times already. could have been better perhaps. a fade might have been better, but maybe not....what if it immediately went black WITH credits? i dunno. glad he carm and the kids didn't get it. they better make a movie but i hear gando is sick of being known only as TS."One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
Columbo moments...
"Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
"You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
(An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)
I feel the same wayI am not as upset as I was.But it's getting harder to convince myself there will be a movie with out knowing if this was David Chases idea or HBOs to end the Sopranos this way.What I mean by this is that HBO ended the series Carnivà le basically the same way the Sopranos ended.So who knows if Chase has a say so for a movie
according to chase, no movie. but he's also said "never say never"..."but i doubt it""One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
Columbo moments...
"Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
"You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
(An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)
Season Thirteen cliffhanger: After being shown what life would be like without him and being egged on by the devil to kill himself, J.R. fires a gun in his room. Bobby enters looks down, exclaims "Oh my God!", and we are led to believe that J.R. Ewing has committed suicide.
Resolution: This was not resolved (as this was the series finale), but it was later revealed in the first reunion movie that J.R. shot the mirror (where the devil was appearing to him) and left Southfork that night for a stay in Europe, where he remained for five years.Comment
Ive been keeping an eye on this thread for a while and after seeing br7's link was reminded that there was an episode called "members only". I didnt recognise the guy wearing the jacket from any episodes tho, and if i can be bothered ill dig the episode out and have a look; maybe he had a reason to "off" Tony.
Personally i liked the ending. The series could only have ended with Big T's death, i was expecting it to happen and am quite glad there wasnt any actual death scene (who wants to see their heroes die?!)Comment
This is very interesting and sheds some light on my ignorant little mind Link
If that theory is correct then that's down right creepy
if he wasn't killed, what would that abrupt ending mean then?"One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
Columbo moments...
"Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
"You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
(An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)
sopranos always has music during the end credits, right?I think disco is on to something with that members only theory. I took a couple screen shots of the guy wearing the members only coat (he is the one that hung himself).What's even more odd is that his last hit job was in a place similar to the place the Soprano family was at in the last episode.And the guy that walked to the bathroom looked kind of like the guy in my screen shots
Attached FilesLast edited by BR7; 17 Jun 2007, 08:48 PM.Comment
I remember him now. Ive seen this theory on other boards as well now with people suggesting the two black guys who also walk in to the restaurant are the ones who tried to kill Tony in season 1 episode 12 Isabella.
What can this mean, are we looking at ghosts that haunt Tony everyday, or are the black guys just red herrings, and the "members only" man is the killer (if in fact there was a killing)?
Im beginning to think the "members only" man is a brother (they look alike as BR7 says) of the guy who hung himself and has shot Tony in a revenge act, seeing him as responsible. The two black blokes were not involved. Ive come to this conclusion bcause i can think of no other and ill go bonkers if i never truly know what happened!!Comment
The two black blokes were not involvedLast edited by BR7; 18 Jun 2007, 05:20 AM.Comment
Bleedin hell BR7, i'd accepted my theory and now youve gone and blown it out the water!!
Youre right tho, i think Chase really does need to explain whats happened, there too many confused fans out there; me among them.
One thing im really gutted about is A.J's story, the first 5 seasons i really hated the little git but this season his character really grew and became interesting. Being truthful i was hoping after witnessing that kicking his mates gave the cyclist and the acid on the feet thing he might have got a taste for it and become a bit of a gangster like his dad.
Oh yeh, i was real happy to see Paulie made it to the end without a scratch tho, he's funny. Great character, good actor.
Great tv!!Comment
I think it's time for me to have a Sopranos marathon and take notes.Hurray for technology I am able to keep this last season on my DVR until the DVD comes out. I was looking to see if anything happened at 3:00.That would be from the episode when Chris was in the hospital after being shot by those two wannabes but I couldn't find anything .Comment