OMG OMG I googled it its REAL!!! LMFAO!

Too many DVDs, and CDs and not enough time to rewind? Are your DVDs running a bit too slow? The DVD rewinder is the perfect solution! This novelty rewinder comes with the exclusive Centriptal Velocity Spindle providing the world’s fastest DVD rewind!
Some might say that the makers of the DVD Rewinder are scam artists, even despite their claims that the DVD Rewinder is for entertainment purposes only, but really, if people are buying them, can you blame them? I bought two to go with my centrifugal LP re-flattener and my cotton-tipped radial laserdisc demux pre-cleaner.

Has your expensive DVD been jumping, skipping or stopping? If so, that DVD has not been rewound. That's silly, you say? Well, not so fast. It's real and it's available in Australia. Are you done laughing yet? Well, the last laugh may be on you. Amazing as it may seem, Microsoft is test marketing this rewinder before the big roll out.
