Some News About Me!
Well the days are shorter thats for sureRight now as I type this it is 7:22 am and the temp outside is 55.4 F or 13 C, our high today is going to be in the mid 70's ...god I feel like a weather man
I do want to get a fire pit in the back yard and a deck heater is a great idea too! And Thank you for the kind wishes AJ!
Turn down the suck...Turn up the
well it goes to the back shed there I guess hey us Caanuks are kinda in the winter I can shovel the snow off that side walk and have a path to nowhere hahahahaha
Turn down the suck...Turn up the
Isn't that a song by "Talking Heads""There will come a moment when you have the chance to do the right thing......"
"I Love those moments - I like to wave at them as they pass by...."
Stop !! Before you post read this !
cynthia is Queen of the smilies !Comment