Happy 16th birthday drfsupercentre
happy birthday ya sunnavagun! make sure you show us pics of the strippers! (better be female)
seriously, all the best kid.
the LT.
LAPD"One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
Columbo moments...
"Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
"You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
(An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)
Better late than never
did you get your driver's permit yet.CYA Later:
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Happy Birthday Danny. Hope you had a good one! Sorry it's so late as i've been away on a stag party in Tenerife and if you've had half as good a time as I have then you've had a blast!
The best years of your life are ahead of you now, makeing loads of mistakes while you young and learning from them is the most fun you can have!!Last edited by Jack Lurker; 28 Mar 2007, 11:25 PM.Jack
The best thing for trees is a bloody big axe! Works for stupidity too!!
You have a problem? Search the forums, you 'aint the first person to have your problem thats for sure!!
There's a bloke called Blutach here somewhere, check out his signature. Loads of useful info in it!
Thanks, better late than neverCYA Later:
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Well I better be late as well then Danny !! A belated happy birthday to you fella ! Sounds like you had a blast - where are the pics then eh ?
"There will come a moment when you have the chance to do the right thing......"
"I Love those moments - I like to wave at them as they pass by...."
Stop !! Before you post read this !
cynthia is Queen of the smilies !Comment
I would post pictures, but they all have me in them
But if you can handle the ugliness I might post one anywayCYA Later:
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now now Danny we have seen pics of you before have we not..I belive on a boat?? I think it might be interesting if people posted pics of themselves (if they are comfortable with it that is...) so we know what the people we talk to look like...sigpic
Turn down the suck...Turn up the
Mine is posted in my Avitar, except when I am having fun, added that to my Sig.
Any other pic of me and you would most likely need a new monitor.Important: Remember, if something is worth doing, its worth doing wronguntil you learn to do it Right!
sigpic IT'S ALL GOODComment
I removed the picture of me after everyone went "OMG you're gonna get stalked by posting your picture online".
But what would a stalker want in someone like me?
Anyway, here's two I took at my party:
And that one's on my actual birthday.
Figure out which one I am in the ones with friendsCYA Later:
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