Aaaarrgghh! I've been loading up on codecs all day, and somewhere along the line, I vaguely remember checking some box somewhere to include a "time code stamp" when re-encoding ripped VOB files to AVI's. Now, I've used several different apps for the conversions, but they ALL include this infuriating time stamp. I can't find any settings that include the specification to include or exclude this time stamp, and my project is now on permanent hold until I can figure out how to disable this thing. I know this isn't much to go on, but I thought some of you who have been doing this kinda thing for awhile might know how I can disable the time code option.
It seems to effect all my divx conversions only.
Here's a screencap of the annoying "phenomenon"....
It seems to effect all my divx conversions only.
Here's a screencap of the annoying "phenomenon"....