Originally Posted by LT. Columbo
I've used Blockbuster's service for the last six months and it's been great. I rent about 12 movies a month and the worst that has happened is that a new release was out of stock for a week or two. And when a new release doesn't come as fast as I want it, I simply go tuesday morning and pick it up with my weekly free rental. I spent a year getting throttled by Netflix, so I've really appreciated Blockbuster. It may vary from region to region, but for the DVDs I'm not likely to buy or to try out ones that I may want to buy, I'd say that 19 dollars per month for sixteen movies a month (12 by mail plus 4 in the store) is an amazing deal. And so what if they had only sent me 9 or 10 in the mail? It would still be a very good deal. It's rare that you actually get what you pay for. Netflix was the worst, and I've been very happy with Blockbuster in Las Vegas.