What The Hell Did I Pay 20$ For???

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  • Delta101
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 3

    What The Hell Did I Pay 20$ For???

    ok, so I brought DIVX Pro 5.05 for 20$ online because everything I read on the webpage (Help Page included) said that I would be able to encode my DVD's into Divx .AVI format but it did'nt give me the option to do that ANYWHERE!!! and after I do a tiny bit more investigating (on the Divx website) mind you, I see something saying I have to buy this other product called Dr.Divx to be able to encode/backup my DVD's, and this product costs roughly 50$, (That made me really angry, incase your not noticing).
    Fortunately there is a "15 day Trial" version, (that made me happy), So I download it, and it cant even encode more then a small Chapter of the entire movie, In fact, it was'nt even able to do that, it says something about "Encoding Failed". WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. WHAT DO I HAVE TO BUY TO ENCODE MY DVD'S.
  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8962

    You paid $20 for the of the commercial version of the DivX Pro codec, which does not include ad/spy-ware. There is a free version of the DivX Pro codec (which you should have downloaded and tried out first), but it is bundled with ad/spy-ware to pay for the MPEG-4 licensing.

    A codec is a plug-in that has decoding (playback) and encoding (compression) capabilities. You'll need an additional software, like Dr. DivX, to be able to use this plug-in for video encoding. Note that there are a myriad of free encoding tools available, like Gordian Knot, FlasK MPEG, XMPEG.

    You should have a look at the links on this thread, which includes several step-by-step instructions for DVD conversion using the DivX Pro codec and free encoding tools like GKnot/Flask/XMPEG :

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    • cmetom

      Re: What The Hell Did I Pay 20$ For???

      blankety blank post
      Last edited by Guest; 26 Jul 2010, 09:59 PM. Reason: trimming my online presence


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8962

        Welcome to the forum, cmetom
        Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


        • cmetom

          blankety blank post
          Last edited by Guest; 26 Jul 2010, 09:59 PM. Reason: trimming my online presence


          • Delta101
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jul 2003
            • 3

            You were right.

            a fiew minutes after I posted that message I continued to search the net for answers. and the first thing I found was Gordian Knot. so I download it and sunndenly found that the Divx Codec was suddenly woth the money again, (That made me happy) then, I found out how difficult it was to figure out (that made me sad), then, when searching for documentation, I found that almost all the documentation I found was for older versions (using different integrated toolsets) and have yet to find any (complete) documentation (that made me angry again).
            so now what I'm doing is the old fashioned Trial and Error method. and somehow, I'm getting the feeling that this Emotional Roller-Coster ride is Far From Over.


            • UncasMS
              Super Moderator
              • Nov 2001
              • 9047

              there might be guides referring to older version of gordianknot, but then on the other hand gk hasnt been changed much.

              so stop "complaining", read those guides thoroughly and you will be rewarded with very good videos.


              • Delta101
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Jul 2003
                • 3

                please help

                ok, I finally did it, I got it finished for the first time, everything came out pretty good (not as high of resolution as some others I've seen) but pretty good, the only problem is it processes the sound as a seperate file. How am I supposed to make them be one file.


                • UncasMS
                  Super Moderator
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 9047

                  multiplexing is the magic word

                  click on my second anigif and take a look at my guide

                  you'll see MUXING, which should answer your question


                  • fedge
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2002
                    • 13

                    Heres how i do it with good results.. almost all the time

                    Rip with the programs that gordian knot suggests... and use all the latest software packages(including avisynth)

                    once you got that all set up figure out the resolution and bitrates with gordian knot. NEVER GO BELOW .193 bits/pixel frame and youll get something decent (if you want greater quality go above .3--but that usually is a double disk for movies about 80min long or so.. and movies above 120min need two disks to provide near lossless(apparently viewable by glancing) quallity

                    Try to stay away from VBR mp3.. only if that will save some space on a 700mb vid

                    I make the avs file and always use neutral bilienar resize ing.. its slower but yeilds a good balance of blur and detail. I never use the interlace settings, they dont seem to work well and most of the time they probably need special settings to get them to work the best. most of the time i force film in dvd2avi OR i just use inverse tecline. 23.976 fps saves a little more bits for the individual frames and it will make a much more easily viewable video than bob or weave types of interlace.. but its not perfect and is REALLY SLOW...

                    Run them all in virtua dub MOD.. dont let gordian set it up.. you are smarter than the program....
                    I encode all the intro's and main movies and credits seperate.. that way i can boost the main movies' bitrate and lessen all the others.. (do this by selecting parts of the avs file and do a job batch set..(always use two pass its the most effiecient use of bitrate and will amost always give the best results, although it takes twice as long0--- its not nessa to do more than two on most cases, unless you messed up your calcs... ) as a side not doing the credits and etc seperate.. you can boost the suggested bitrates by about 20(max --somtimes more if the credits and intro crap take up alot of the movie time) i usually go about lets say GN says i should use 914.. i would try to go up to maybe 935 or 930 maybe more.. depends.. after a while you should be able to guess.. it depends on what you are willing to drop..

                    less quality in the mp3 will give better quality in the video.. im still trying to figure out how to mux a variable bitrate mp3 that would be constant for the movie but drop to really low bitrate for the credtis..(save about 5mb maybe if done right..)

                    then use nandub to load all the seperate video segments (i name them numerically to make it easy and quick) and then load the mp3 audio and voila your done..

                    with a little experiance with this you may understand what im talking about.. or maybe someone will explain this a little more

