Spam Scam

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  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8968

    I used to receive 3 or 4 new "Copy DVD to CD" SPAM emails per day, but now, it has fallen to about the same amount per week.
    Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8968

      Just received another email detailing a possible SCAM, sent by :

      that links to c o p y d v d . n e t

      Please feel free to post any details (eg. email addresses, or links)about similar SPAM SCAMs you have received.
      Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


      • Kaiser-Soze
        Platinum Member
        Platinum Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 165

        TO Zer0XeS

        I won't waste my time to reply because Admin represents 100% my way of thinking

        Just a question though Zer0XeS
        Are u owning this company u are talking about,
        because I get that sense of feeling as I read your posts.
        At your first post you describe yourself as a complete newbie but all of a sudden after 2 posts (3 hours) you familiarize yourself with meanings that impress me
        U seem to know more of every1 posting in this site altough you are only a newbie who has burned only 1 VCD (yeah right!!!) and has wasted 30 (His friend calls them frisbies, SURE!!!)
        Your post reminds me T.V Spots about home (Ma&Pa) brewed american coffee with that blues-country music playing on the background.
        Next time at other forums be more careful

        Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


        • KlingonAgent
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2002
          • 14

          No complaints from this end ....

          Dear Admin, or dvd-guy, or whoever you may be:

          It's been a long time since I started visiting these pages, and I have not looked back once.

          I haven't received any unsolicited spam-mails, but in my myriad of web-travels, I *did*, the other day, stumble upon an unwelcome ad, which popped-up (actually, it "popped-*under*) my browser.

          This ad, replete with a smiling-&-gorgeous young lady, told me how easily they could allow me to create 'perfect' dvd backups on standard cdrs.

          The ad, which you have probably seen yourself, is so unashamedly shallow and devoid of worth, it sickened me. What sickens me most of all, is that there will likely be people who will respond to this utter garbage. Anything for a buck, right?

          This ad, which I examined for its sheer "gall" content, reminded me of those sleazy Supermarket Tabloids you see at your local grocery checkout.

          I don't mean to unduly shower you with roses (so-to-speak), but I, along with just about every other correspondant here, are already fully aware that if you want to back-up dvd-content, one needs to look no further than these pages.

          You have given that to us, at no cost.

          I permanently bookmarked this web-site an awfully long time ago. And, should you still elect to be around when *affordable* dvd-recordable drives become commonplace, this site will remain my first asset to understanding whatever the latest technology will mean to us. I trust the opinions of this site, and the correspondants within this forum.

          It is with regret that I see the 'passing' of one of the most 'fun' guys I ever 'met'. Mr. Nicholas Page. I would be amiss if I didn't tell you, that Nicky has breathed-new-life into my computer-activities. He got me thinking. He got me discovering. He got me experimenting.

          At first, Nick, quite understandably declined to answer new e-mails. Life is short, and I know that Nick gave an *enormous* quantity of his time to readers of his wonderful tutorials. He wasn't exactly getting rich at this. I have many hard-copy printouts of his tutorials which I consider to be 'bible'.

          And now, alas, I see that Nick has decided not to upgrade his vital tutorials any further. (Who could blame him?) People have lives to live.

          Nicky, if you ever see this note, please know that you have left a remarkable legacy behind you. It was a priviledge to have what few emails we were able to exchange. (I forget where it was). Because of you, I can competently whip up a vcd or divx with equal facility without the need for any sleazy tabloid-type pop-up ads.

          And *long-live* this Forum, Mr. Administrator!

          (P.S. Are you the 'dvd-guy' I read about so long ago? The 'guy' who, against all odds, originally ripped-&-processed the 'Matrix' dvd? )

          And IF anyone wants to bitch about the sleezy ongoing activities of the MPAA, the DVD Consortium, and the unprecedentedly-greedy sub-life activities of the Major Hollywood Motion Picture Studios, - oh *please* let me know, ok? (I'm in the right section, right?) I just made nine gorgeous vcds (using Nick's methods) out of (a rented) 'Godfather' dvd boxed-set, and you know? I somehow just *don't feel* like a 'Pirate'.

          The final insult has befallen all of us. A single dvd-boxed set of dvds now costs MORE than some retail stand-alone dvd players! Paramount Pictures will release, next month, the first season of "Star Trek-The Next Generation" for more than what it costs for a basic dvd player. (Jesus). I think, Mr. Administrator, you may as well take down the notice of the petition to release Star Trek TV episodes in mpeg-4 (divx) format. It ain't gonna happen. (No surprise there).

          Ok, I better 'git' now..................

          "Hold Me Back, Nick -- Hold Me Back !!"

          -- KlingonAgent - Senior advisor to the Klingon High Council --


          • admin
            • Nov 2001
            • 8968

            Yes, I am DVDGuy, the one who started DVD Digest (known as DVDigest back then ).

            This ad, replete with a smiling-&-gorgeous young lady, told me how easily they could allow me to create 'perfect' dvd backups on standard cdrs.
            I saw this ad too, in fact, it was on my website!!

            The Hitbox stats box/banner that I use to collect site statistics was displaying this ad, and so right there and then, I decided to remove each and every Hitbox box/banner from my site - it took quite a long time, a lot of effort, and of course, I am now without detailed stats (unless I compile my sever's log files or use the less detailed webtrendslive stats), but it was all worth it, just to ensure rubbish like this doesn't get any attention. I have been using Hitbox since the beginning of DVD Digest way back in 1999. I even emailed Hitbox and informed them of the possible fraud, so hopefully, Hitbox will stop advertising for a company that uses SPAM and trickery as a sales method.

            As for Nicky Page leaving, it is rather sad, but not surprising. I have often considered leaving as well, but I guess the longer I stay and work on the site, the harder it is to leave it.

            And as for the "Matrix Ripping Guide" - I didn't write it, but did host such a guide in a time when FlasKMPEG didn't have IFO parsing support.

            As for the cost of DVDs - most are overly priced. I still do buy a lot of DVDs, including the Godfather trilogy (got the Australian R4 PAL version for about $USD 60) - I must say I didn't regret this purchase, since I have already watched the 3 movies quite a number of times (although I did watch GF I more then GF II and GF II more than GF III) . DVD of classic movies like The GF are worth purchasing, in my opinion, but pricing needs to be lowered.
            Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


            • KlingonAgent
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 14

              DVD Pricing


              Here in Canada, at the "Future Shop", they recently had a large display bin filled to the brim with the newly-released Godfather series. (boxed set) - perhaps, 200 copies.

              About 3 weeks later, when I again visited the store, they had sold, perhaps 15 or 20% of them. Most people just *cannot* afford, on any sustained ongoing basis, the high cost of dvds. And people are getting smarter too, as Future Shop is probably discovering.

              Each boxed set had *two* price stickers - 1 for $125.00, and another for the "low-low discounted price of $80.00". Both price stickers had been put on the boxes at the same time. It's not as though the dvds had originally been offered for sale at $125, and *then* subsequently marked-down later so as to create an apparent "sale" (bargain) condition. From the very outset, the store had intended to sell the sets for $80 *anyway*. The two-price-sticker is just a stupid marketing ploy to dupe customers into think they have a 'bargain' on their hands.

              I'm not sure what the new boxed set of Star Trek-The Next Generation boxed set (first & subsequent) seasons will be retailing for, but you can bet the price is going to be horrendous.

              Multiply that by however many seasons the series had, and you had better start saving up your pennies right now. This series may prove to be an unprecedented cash cow of untold magnitude for Paramount.

              I used to buy a lot of dvds. Many more than I could realistically afford, until one day I just decided "Enough Is Enough!" I had purchased Sony's original flagship dvd player ($1500), and perhaps 80 or so dvds. I don't have that player any longer - wish I did - it wasn't saddled with that God-Awful disease - internal macrovision circuitry.

              I don't buy dvds anymore. I'm tired of being gouged. I'm tired of FBI/Interpol warnings shoved in my face. I'm tired of mandatory menus and trailers I must sit through. With a few exceptions, I'm not even particularly fond of all the 'extra' material(s) I must pay for and really don't want. (I can't speak French or Spanish or.....).

              And for the most part, don't you agree that the vast majority of dvd users play their discs back on either standard, basic home-type tv sets, or standard computer monitors? Most people simply cannot afford wall-to-wall wide-screen projectors and 5.1 Dolby surround systems! Much of the improved quality inherent within the dvd is simply lost on most people's systems! I'll bet you, that if a dvd's horizontal resolution were dropped, say, by 40%, few people would notice any difference on anything other than a genuine High Resolution Monitor.

              For those owning such advanced audio/video equipment, dvds DO represent a much better deal. But for me? Noop.

              I wonder, DVD Guy, if I get as much enjoyment from watching my self-made vcds of the Godfather, as you do with your original , expensive dvds? I bet I do. You can only watch a movie so many times in a row before you move on to something else. I'm particularly happy about it when I consider the rental price was only $5.00, and the blank discs (bulk-spindle) were probably about 60c each. I only regret that I have to swap the vcds every hour or so. (A pain--I'm looking at those 5-disc auto-play carousel dvd players these days).

              I wouldn't mind paying a Fair price, but Hollywood doesn't sell Fair-Price discs. I don't sell or swap my vcds, but I don't pay $30.00 each for them either.

              Oh, btw, I'm (naturally) delighted that you continue to run the site. Of course! Just update it periodically DVD guy, as time and resources permit. By its very nature, most sites like this are a labour of love - can't get away from that, but don't let it bog you down or get consumed by it. I think you're doing just fine, and this Forum keeps people pretty much up to date.

              Thanks for letting me rant..................


              • admin
                • Nov 2001
                • 8968

                I think I've spent just under $USD 1000 on purchasing DVDs - most of the DVDs I've purchased are personal favorites, that I've watched endless times, and will watch again who knows how many times. If DVDs were cheaper, I would certainly purchase a lot more, perhaps spending even more money on them, but as such, I am limiting myself to renting the DVDs I want to have a look at, but probably don't intend to keep.

                Many of the DVDs I have, I already had the VHS/VCD version (purchased years ago when DVDs didn't exist). I think a big reason why people purchase DVDs, especially when they already have VHS/VCD versions, is to ensure they get the best possible (dare I say it, collector's) edition of the movie - perhaps this is why almost every DVD is marked as a "special" or "collector's" edition - those studios guys really know how to market these things. If the HD-DVD version of the same movie comes out, I am afraid I might be one of those who will be stupid enough to go and pre-order a copy. I think a lot of early DVD adopters think this way, otherwise, how else can you explain someone spending $20, 30 on a movie they already own on a $50 LD.

                But even in the early days of DVD, prices were actually lower than now - when The Matrix first came out, it was sold for $14.99, and sold elsewhere cheaper than this. It is now selling for $18.99, and even the "Matrix Revisted" addon disc retails more at $16.99. A lot of new release movies are now priced at over $20, which is simply unacceptable, and a good reason why I don't purchase as many DVDs as I used to (preferring to rent, rather than buy).

                Studios are getting too greedy, and I think this will eventually affect their sales, and perhaps this is one reason why they are now starting to get tough and demanding a bigger piece from the DVD rental market.

                And this will drive more people to copy and purchase pirate versions, many already available that have identical content, at only a tenth of the price.

                Anyway, I think this is getting a little off topic, so I won't say anymore. But if anybody still have any comments on the SPAM issue, feel free to append to this post.
                Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


                • grif_mcrenolds
                  • Jan 2002
                  • 50

                  It's funny to think how much the MPAA bitches about movie piracy. It's as if they're too stupid to understand why people resort to it.

                  When I first first got into DVDs, I bought my first DVD-ROM drive for $50. The DVD I bought was used; it costed $20; I was new to this. I noticed that VHS movies now cost under $10 and I compared them to DVD. I could see the obvious quality difference in them, like less static and clicking. But I agree that prices are way too high! I live in Forest Park, Ohio. Many other guys in this forum live Europe somewhere so I don't know how to compare the prices very well. But $30 is way too high for a P&S copy of Ace Ventura!

                  Circuit City is overpricing these too much. (That's where I got most of my DVDs before they closed down). I've shopped for used DVDs at VGE but the prices weren't any lower. They mostly gouge teens who play movies on their PS2, and wouldn't know any better anyway. But they don't ask for ID to get r rated flicks. The best place to buy DVDs, in my opinion, is Costco.

                  The MPAA acts as if we're only "renting" DVDs when we buy them, and therefor we can't duplicate them for backups. They've punished humble ripping sites for hosting DeCSS, and they've even enacted unconstitutional laws to try to keep us at bay. This is the kind of crap that makes me WANT to pirate DivX flicks just to spite Hollywood. It would be hilarious that a lowly freshman like myself thwarts studios by giveing away free DivX movies to fellow students. I can't though because with my luck I'd be caught.

                  I say that we all just stop buying movies and CDs all together. Not forever, though. Just long enough to piss of the industry. All we have to do is say we won't buy any CDs or DVDs until prices get lowered. I'm gonna post a thread in the boycott forum and do something like this. Who's with me?

                  And one more thing: I work alot with public access, and I'm working on making my first independant film. When I'm finshed with it, I'll share copies with all of you to show that we don't have to pay the rich studios our $20 just for 90 minutes of entertainment!
                  Solution for decent, free TV:


                  • admin
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 8968

                    Bumping this thread (I know, rules).

                    What is it with all these blog spammers? You know, the one with "I really like your site" and then links to a bunch of spam. I started a blog, didn't really expect too many visitors, just a way for me to vent some stuff, but I get about 5 or 6 comment spam every day. The comments are moderated, so they never show up online, but it's still a pain.

                    The things that gets me most is that obviously, people are being taken in by these "special offers", and are either buying whatever product that is being promoted or buying advertising from spammers to advertise their product. If these "ads" didn't show results, I'm sure nobody would be using them.
                    Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


                    • jm1647
                      An Eagles Fan, A MenuShrinker
                      • Apr 2005
                      • 3661

                      Originally Posted by admin
                      Bumping this thread (I know, rules).
                      Yeah but look at all the other rules you followed posting this, using the search and not starting a new topic and being polite to name a couple.

                      The spammers will not stop for anything and will post their stuff wherever they can.


                      • soup
                        Just Trying To Help
                        • Nov 2005
                        • 7524

                        The things that gets me most is that obviously, people are being taken in by these "special offers", and are either buying whatever product that is being promoted or buying advertising from spammers to advertise their product. If these "ads" didn't show results, I'm sure nobody would be using them.
                        Unfortunately it is true what they say, "there is a sucker born every minute", & the human race has been around for a lot of minutes.


                        • locoeng
                          Who Farted?
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 2509

                          Originally Posted by soup
                          Unfortunately it is true what they say, "there is a sucker born every minute", & the human race has been around for a lot of minutes.

                          "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. It's not fair to you and no challenge for us."
                          Walt Kelly


                          • photo_angel2004
                            Queen of Digital Video
                            Queen of Digital Video
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3558

                            All I can say to this is have good spam blockers and filters to keep your e-mail boxes clean, delete all of the usless crap like that and set them to be blocked.

                            Norton Internet security is doing well for me.

                            I get the Ebay and Paypal spam scams all the time I send them to or

                            Many people ripping people off and stealing identaties as well.

                            Also do not fall the the inheritance spam scams where they tell you the are an atorny and you get big money from someone with your same last name these crooks are going after your bank accounts.

                            Scary stuff out there beware!

                            IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


                            • dazuk1972
                              Digital Video Specialist
                              Digital Video Specialist
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 853

                              What annoys me is when I go on a web site and I get a scam telling me I've won a Laptop when I know I haven't.

                              There's so many alerts saying I have one error. Everybody is bound to have more than one error when an error scan hasn't been done for days and the alert always reports one error. I've never believed that one. What I do believe is, it's a scam to make us buy whoever's software that is bound to be useless or an on-line scan might also create errors.



                              • Chokito
                                • Jul 2006
                                • 82


                                Great great thread.
                                One more round for admin.
                                I'm not talking legal here, but if I were (probably in some other life) creating any kind of freeware, it would be absolutely senseless to have someone else benefit from it's commercial use. I might understand somebody having me pay a tiny fee (as far as I remember googling is still free) to save me the time to find all the software I need, but hell, it's morally wrong. I've been visiting dvd forums (especially this one) for a while and I see a lot of great people dedicating time and effort only for the love of doing it.
                                Basically what I'm trying to say is:
                                You give me new software I pay. You give me freeware I don't pay. It's FREE!!!!!! You're living off someone else's work. Shame on you.

