I was out of the country for a few weeks a while back and didnt renew my membership with them, instead of using my card to buy stuff in there, My dad would lend me his, as some of you may know, its like a walmart in there but they sell in bulk, and in my area you can find the 100 spindle of verbatims for 36.99 there. I bought food and other stuff there before with my dad's card and no one says anything, i do look like him( in the picture on the card), so i thought they didnt notice. Today I went and bought some soft drinks and a couple of chairs for a party this weekend and I decided to get the verbatims as well. As I was paying my items this employe approaches me and the cashier he gets the membership card, and scans it BEFORE he looks at the picture long enough, it took like 1 second and scanned it.... he had a separate scanner gun and small notepad, and asked if I was ***** *****, i said i was his son, he said ok, and kept on walking writting something on his notepad. This intrigued me and kind made me wonder if they're checking who's buying blank discs or other dvd related stuff, since the verbatims were on the electric belt... or does he have an eagle eye and spotted that i wasnt my dad in less than a second.... now my question is what if they are now monitoring who buys what? Can I get in trouble for buying blank discs, c'mon?!....
