Hi ggm,
DVDFAB Decrypter should work fine, I have only used it once I don't believe it has a seperate "FILE Mode", that was in reference to DVDDecrypter which has many more user options to set.
VobBlanker doesn't have an installer, so it will 'unzip' wherever you told the decompressor program to put it. If you can't remember where that was, you can open any .zip file and see what the default location will be that it will be unzipped to.
On my computer I've created a seperate folder called DVDtools where I put All these great DVD tools and then make seperate subfolders as I install them, I have a folder structure that looks something like this:
This makes it much easier for me to find the files if needed, or when installing new versions over the old one.
To make them easy to use, after I've installed (unzip) the program I browse to the folder, then Right CLick on the .EXE file and "Create a Shortcut", then I drag that shortcut into my Start Menu where I've created another folder called \DVDtools. So then I just drop the new shrotcut into the startup folder which is located in C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Start Menu\Programs\DVDtools
hope this helps
DVDFAB Decrypter should work fine, I have only used it once I don't believe it has a seperate "FILE Mode", that was in reference to DVDDecrypter which has many more user options to set.
VobBlanker doesn't have an installer, so it will 'unzip' wherever you told the decompressor program to put it. If you can't remember where that was, you can open any .zip file and see what the default location will be that it will be unzipped to.
On my computer I've created a seperate folder called DVDtools where I put All these great DVD tools and then make seperate subfolders as I install them, I have a folder structure that looks something like this:
C:\ + Program Files\ + DVDtools\ + DVDShrink --- DVDShrink files here + DVDDecrypter --- DVDDecrypter files here + MenuShrink --- MenuShrink files here + MuxMan --- MuxMan files here + PgcEdit --- PgcEdit files here + VobBlanker --- VobBlanker files here
To make them easy to use, after I've installed (unzip) the program I browse to the folder, then Right CLick on the .EXE file and "Create a Shortcut", then I drag that shortcut into my Start Menu where I've created another folder called \DVDtools. So then I just drop the new shrotcut into the startup folder which is located in C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Start Menu\Programs\DVDtools
hope this helps