will i be able to use vobblanker?

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  • Taelon
    Digital Video Specialist
    Digital Video Specialist
    • Sep 2005
    • 887

    Hi ggm,
    DVDFAB Decrypter should work fine, I have only used it once I don't believe it has a seperate "FILE Mode", that was in reference to DVDDecrypter which has many more user options to set.

    VobBlanker doesn't have an installer, so it will 'unzip' wherever you told the decompressor program to put it. If you can't remember where that was, you can open any .zip file and see what the default location will be that it will be unzipped to.

    On my computer I've created a seperate folder called DVDtools where I put All these great DVD tools and then make seperate subfolders as I install them, I have a folder structure that looks something like this:
     + Program Files\
         + DVDtools\
    	+ DVDShrink
    	 --- DVDShrink files here
    	+ DVDDecrypter
    	 --- DVDDecrypter files here
    	+ MenuShrink
    	 --- MenuShrink files here
    	+ MuxMan
    	 --- MuxMan files here
    	+ PgcEdit
    	 --- PgcEdit files here
    	+ VobBlanker
    	 --- VobBlanker files here
    This makes it much easier for me to find the files if needed, or when installing new versions over the old one.

    To make them easy to use, after I've installed (unzip) the program I browse to the folder, then Right CLick on the .EXE file and "Create a Shortcut", then I drag that shortcut into my Start Menu where I've created another folder called \DVDtools. So then I just drop the new shrotcut into the startup folder which is located in C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Start Menu\Programs\DVDtools

    hope this helps

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    • greygrandma
      Junior Member
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      • Sep 2005
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      Thanks Taelon your a lifesaver. I try not to come in here too often because i can see your very busy but i'm in a bind again. I have used the decrypter and made the cut to my movie i've been following the instructions all the way and everything was going fine i think but now i have come across a problem that sounds really silly even to me. On the instructions when your finished cutting it takes you back to the screen with all the files on it and at the bottom it has PROCESS to click which i assume puts everything into motion but i only have a small computer screen and i can't get to the process part at the bottom of the screen. Usually there is a scroll bar to the side of the page to let you scroll down and see whats next but this page doesn't have one. I tried using the arrows on the keyboard to make the page go down further but that didn't work either. I can't see the PROCESS on my screen but i know it should be there because the instructions page has one. Do you have any ideas on what could be wrong? It was all going so well to this point. Thank you.


      • Taelon
        Digital Video Specialist
        Digital Video Specialist
        • Sep 2005
        • 887

        ggm, Yes I've heard of that problem and believe it has to do with using a low display resolution (800x600) and/or Large Fonts. The good news is that it's been fixed in the New version that was just released a few hours ago. But lets hold off on that for now and try to get you to be able to process your current backup.

        Try this:

        First Minimize the VobBlanker window
        Then Right click anywhere on your desktop and select "Properties"
        A small window will pop-up, click on the "Settings" tab.
        You should see a picture of a monitor, with a desktop layout, below that is a slider bar
        Move the slider to the right until it says 1024 by 768 pixels
        Press the Apply button, a Warning box will pop up:
        Select, Apply new desktop settings without restarting
        Press ok
        The Screen will go blank for a few seconds, don't panic!
        Another box should ask if you want to keep the settings, click OK
        Everything will be smaller and you should be able to get to the Process! button in VobBlanker (the process will take sometime because it makes a backup of the files).

        When you are finished with VobBlanker you can reset your desktop settings to 800x600 or whatever they were by following the same procedure above.

        hope that helps

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        • greygrandma
          Junior Member
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          • Sep 2005
          • 31

          Hello again Taelon, I followed your instructions and it did make the everything on the screen go smaller but it also chopped off the bottom of the vobblanker page. I thought it very odd that it should do this but that's what it's done. There is no longer a PROCESS button at all. Is the new version available yet? if so would you have a link to it because i can only find the same version on the vobblanker site. Thank you again and I'm sorry to take so much of your time.


          • Taelon
            Digital Video Specialist
            Digital Video Specialist
            • Sep 2005
            • 887

            That is odd, did you try maximizing the VobBlanker window?

            Yes the new version is available at the VobBlanker homepage
            (You may have to hit the refresh or reload button on your browser to see the updated page)

            Here is a direct download link to v
            Last edited by Taelon; 19 Sep 2005, 02:59 PM. Reason: added links

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            • greygrandma
              Junior Member
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              • Sep 2005
              • 31

              No I hadn't tried that but just tried it now and it makes it too big for the screen again so i can't see if the bottom has come back or not. Yes it does seem a really strange thing for it to do.


              • Taelon
                Digital Video Specialist
                Digital Video Specialist
                • Sep 2005
                • 887

                ggm, move to the top of the window with your mouse, wait for it to change into two arrows like this

                then move it down a ways. Then grab the top of the window and pull the whole thing up, see if you can get to the process button.

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                • greygrandma
                  Junior Member
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                  • Sep 2005
                  • 31

                  Thanks for your new suggestion Taelon. I just tried it but i still can't see the bottom of the page i'm afraid. I can grab and move the VobBlanker page all around the screen now but i just can't get it to go any higher to get to the bottom. Thank you.


                  • Taelon
                    Digital Video Specialist
                    Digital Video Specialist
                    • Sep 2005
                    • 887

                    Ok then, Save your Project (somewhere where you can find it), and close VobBlanker. Then close it and restart it, or just get the new version. Then you can Open your project and it should retain the work you have done, and be ready to Process.

                    I apologize for not realizing this earlier ggm, Click on "File" then "Execute", it will do the same thing as hitting the "Process!" button.
                    Last edited by Taelon; 19 Sep 2005, 04:04 PM.

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                    • greygrandma
                      Junior Member
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                      • Sep 2005
                      • 31

                      [QUOTE](somewhere where you can find it) Oh you know me too well Taelon!!! Thank you ever so much for all your help. You've been so patient with all my questions. I'll download the new version as soon as it becomes available. Thank you.


                      • Taelon
                        Digital Video Specialist
                        Digital Video Specialist
                        • Sep 2005
                        • 887

                        My pleasure to be able to help ggm, I hope you saw the Edit I made to that post.

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                        • greygrandma
                          Junior Member
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                          • Sep 2005
                          • 31

                          Yes I did thank you Taelon. I'm back on my feet and running again now. I'll let you know how it all turns out. Thank you.


                          • Taelon
                            Digital Video Specialist
                            Digital Video Specialist
                            • Sep 2005
                            • 887

                            How to Execute VobBlanker if you lose the Process!! button

                            Glad to hear it ggm

                            It's still possible in the new version to shrink the window vertically so that the Process!! button gets cut off. So just in case you lose it again, or for any newbies who might be reading this thread.

                            Here's a picture of the other way to Process!! VobBlanker.

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                            • greygrandma
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Sep 2005
                              • 31

                              Hello again, Well the good news is i now have my cuts made and all my files saved ready to go - the bad news is i don't know how to get them from the files to a blank disc. I tried doing this from Nero but they say my file does not exist - i know it does because i opened it to check. I'm going to have a look around the forum to see what i can find on burning from files with Nero but if anyone has a quick fix idea in the meantime i would greatly appreciate any ideas. Thank you.


                              • Taelon
                                Digital Video Specialist
                                Digital Video Specialist
                                • Sep 2005
                                • 887

                                Make sure your VobBlanker output is a complete DVD

                                Hi ggm, before you burn it make sure everything works in a previewer first. Either with a software player like PowerDVD or WinDVD or MediaPlayer Classic, or just make sure DVDShrink can open it and go thru it's quick analysis completely.

                                I've seen problems from new users with VobBlanker if they haven't used the "Use Input Folders" setting. If you use a different as the destination folder, only the TitleSets which are processed (Titles or Menus) get copied to the new folder, this would lead to a wasted DVD if you burned it.

                                If that is the case you'll need to grab the missing files in Windows Explorer from the Input directory and manually copy them to the Destination directory that VobBlanker used (just be sure not to replace any New files with Old ones).

                                If you used the "Use Input Folders" setting, and processed All the Titles AND Menus, this won't be a problem. You just need to drag the Video_TS folder to the right place in Nero (I believe it's shaded Red).

                                Here is an image showing the New DVD compilation on the right, select all the files inside VIDEO_TS folder and either Copy them or Drag them to the all the way over to the Red folder on the left and drop them into it. If you're other settings are correct you'll be ready to Burn the Disc with Nero.

                                Here is the complete guide "How do I use Nero to create a backup of a DVD?"

                                good luck
                                Last edited by Taelon; 19 Sep 2005, 09:23 PM. Reason: added burning with Nero info

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