I've used this program to do alot of different things in the past. One of the cool features in the new version is that you can now select the still frame you want to use when shrinking menus. (Don't tell jeanl, but I haven't used menushrink since jsoto added this feature).
But I don't know why nobody never jumped up and down about the "Auto" Blanking, for some stupid reason I always blanked PGC's manually. But this Auto function is freeking amazing! It just automatically reduced this DVD from 7.4 GB to 5.5, just by hitting one button! It left the menus and the main movie, all the extras are gone! I've got to do some cleanup of the menus (since I"m fussy that way) other than that, it's ready for shrink.
My respect for jsoto continues to grow, I'm totally amazed and astounded!
Thanks jsoto!
I promise not to bug you at doom9 for at least a week
But I don't know why nobody never jumped up and down about the "Auto" Blanking, for some stupid reason I always blanked PGC's manually. But this Auto function is freeking amazing! It just automatically reduced this DVD from 7.4 GB to 5.5, just by hitting one button! It left the menus and the main movie, all the extras are gone! I've got to do some cleanup of the menus (since I"m fussy that way) other than that, it's ready for shrink.
My respect for jsoto continues to grow, I'm totally amazed and astounded!
Thanks jsoto!

I promise not to bug you at doom9 for at least a week
