I really need your help here guys. I have been trying to create a good DVD for over a month now. I have a Pioneer A03 (1.80 FM and set as primary and secondary IDE)), Windows XP(fat32, soon to be NTFS), AMD 1600+, 256MB, 45GB IBM HD, Plextor 12/10/32. I have tried to burn a DVD using Nero (, Instant CD/DVD (6.4), Prassi Primo (2.0), and Ulead DVD MF. To make a long, long story short, I can burn a data DVD no problem. But as soon as I want to rip a DVD or re-encode a MPg to DVD by using TMPGenc, I get error messages on all of them. I have tried using Princo DVD-rw and ESbuy CD-r (came with drive). I can not get any type of video to burn on the DVD. I have used a ISO image option, a drag and drop option in Nero, and about everything else under the sun. I first thought it mught be the drive, but I returned my first one and the second one does the same exact thing.
Please help
Please help
