I made a DVD image of a put together home video, unfortunately with roxio (1st the iso is listed as a c2d file and not iso). Luckily this loaded ok into IMGBurn so I could burn the DVD. (I wish all dvd programs worked as well as LightningUK's). I couldn't load the iso (c2d) into shrink (even with renaming the file .iso--says invalid navigation structure), and I couldn't load the decrypter file rip of that burned dvd that I made with roxio into shrink either --same, (invalid navigation structure)---(fixed with FIXvts)--now loads into shrink ok. The original DVD has an "intro menu" which when finished playing jumps to the "title Menu", when finished playing jumps to the chapter menu, and if you select the 1st chapter menu, it "plays all the disk". The problem is that the intro menu accepts no command from the remote for either 'next' to jump to the title menu, or "play" to play the movie. The title menu will accept the "next key" to jump to the chapter menu, and when you select chapter 1, it 'plays all", and you can choose any chapter ok, and it jumps to that chapter. Now, I don't know if it was just a Roxio screwed up navigation structure to begin with or if FIXvts screwed up the nav structure but ----If possible--I would like to edit the "dvd menu-command structure" on the "intro menu". "title menu" and "chapter menu" where if you push "next" on the remote it moves to the next menu. Intro menu--->title menu--->chapter menu--->chapter 1. And if you push "Play" on the remote, from any menu, it will jump from any menu directly into the 1st chapter & play the movie. Is this possible?. I've just now started playing around with PGCedit, and I'm not even sure this is the program where I should be trying to edit the dvd nav sturcture. Here is the PGCedit nav structure of the movie.