PgcEdit plugin to enhance the authoring of compilations of titles

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  • tetsuro_ja
    Gold Member
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    • Jan 2007
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    Originally Posted by r0lZ
    Can you check the "Disable Arrows" option? It should remove all buttons. Then, retry "Enable Arrows".
    I did it as r0lZ said.
    Arrow buttons in all titles became normal and worked fine.


    • r0lZ
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Mar 2004
      • 1508

      I've found a bug. Only the first cell after a VOB ID change was processed. It is fixed. (However, I'm not sure it fixes the problem reported by tetsuro_ja.)

      I have also added the option to swap the LEFT and UP buttons and the RIGHT and DOWN buttons.

      I have still to verify the problem in DRM, and the problem with the menu viewer in trace mode, and I will release a new beta...
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      • r0lZ
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Mar 2004
        • 1508

        Originally Posted by dirio49
        somehow it has a problem, if i press left. i keeps on looping the cells and commands, i keeps playing the 1 cell over and over and over.
        Indeed, DRM has a big problem! It is caused by two bugs.

        1. DRM doesn't take the Force Select Button value into account. Therefore, it assumes wrongly that the last button that has been manually selected is still selected when the title (or another one) is played again. It should reset it to button 1.

        2. Furthermore, it assumes that the wrong default autoactivating button should be activated immediately when the cell is played. That's not the normal behaviour of autoactivating buttons, as they should be activated ONLY when the user selects the button manually. If an autoactivating button is selected by default when the cell is played, its autoactivating flag should be ignored.

        Those bugs explain why the beginning of the first cell of the title is played again and again. When the user presses the left arrow, the corresponding button is correctly activated, and the nav continues with VMGM PGC 2, where the previous title is selected (or the last title if the first title was playing.) That's correct. But when the previous title is played, DRM jumps immediately to the VMGM PGC 2 again, and the infinite loop begins.

        To check the method with DRM, you can probably insert a "SetHL_BTN Button 1" at the beginning of each title. That will force DRM to select button 1 by default.
        I will add this command in the next version. Although I'm not responsible of the bugs of the other programs, it's safest anyway.
        Last edited by r0lZ; 11 Jul 2007, 08:17 PM.
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        • r0lZ
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Mar 2004
          • 1508

          Originally Posted by r0lZ
          In trace mode, the cells with buttons should be displayed in the menu viewer automatically. Use the arrow keys like on a real remote.
          However, PgcEdit doesn't display the very short cells (less than 1 sec without cell still time) as you are not supposed to be Superman. You have to build a test DVD with some real cells, or set a still time on the short cells.
          Well, there is also a little bug in PgcEdit's trace mode. Since there are some commercial DVDs with useless buttons in some cells (usually tiny invisible buttons with a NOP command), PgcEdit skips them automatically, as it is a pain to have to close the menu viewer each time. But the buttons I have implemented have approximately the same structure than those useless buttons. Therefore, the trace mode skips them. I have changed the way the useless buttons are recognized, and now the menu editor is correctly shown. But you will need to wait for the next version of PgcEdit to check the buttons in trace mode. Sorry, but I'm not ready to release it yet.
          (BTW, if you want to check the method, you can simply enlarge button 1 so that its width or height is greater than 10. That should be sufficient.)
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          • jinjin_jp
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            • Aug 2006
            • 315

            Originally Posted by r0lZ
            No, it's not difficult, but IMO it is more natural to use the left and right arrows to navigate between titles. The up and down arrows are just "bonuses". Don't forget that the buttons are (or should be) added on all cells of the title, and IMO, it doesn't make sense to return to the last chapter of the previous title when, for example, chapter 4 of a title is playing. This is what UP does, but I really thing that the more "natural" arrow, LEFT, should return to the beginning of the previous title.
            But maybe I can add a checkbox to swap the LEFT/RIGHT and UP/DOWN buttons.
            What I want to say is not "up and down arrows to navigate between titles",
            but "Left(or Up) arrow --previous ch same as |<, Right(or Down) arrow -- Next ch same as >|" from FallenAngel.
            I thought it means arrows can opereate all prev/next moving of both titles and cahpters.

            But now understood by your explanation as "just bonuses".



            • r0lZ
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • Mar 2004
              • 1508

              DVDShronk_plugin v2.5beta3

              Beta 3 is available.

              As explained previously, I have fixed the bug with the missing buttons in some cells, and added the option to swap the LEFT/UP and RIGHT/DOWN buttons.

              I have also added a SetHL_BTN command to force button 1 anyway. Now, even with the bugs reported above, DRM can play the DVD successfully.

              Note that I have also added several commands to save the currently highlighted button in gprm(2), and restore it as soon as possible. Although it's not necessary with a standard compilation, that can be useful if the user imports a self-made menu manually in the modified compilation. The last button should still be selected by default when the nav returns to the menu. If it's not the case, it should be sufficient to add a "SetHL_BTN = gprm(2)" in the pre-commands of the menu.

              I have also added a new function to make the DVD completely region free (as DVDShronk still prohibits the zones 7 and 8.)

              I haven't changed the way the buttons are built, and therefore, currently, PgcEdit v8.4 is still unable to display them in trace mode. I don't want to enlarge the buttons, as they can be visible in some cases, if a subpic stream exists in some cells. Currently, the one-pixel buttons are in the upper-left corner of the display area. Therefore, when they are visible, only one pixel is modified.
              To test the function in trace mode, you can edit the plugin file. Change the line
              set ::buttons::butsinfo(pgc,$vts,$vobid,$cellid,1,$b,coords) {0 0 - 1 1}
              set ::buttons::butsinfo(pgc,$vts,$vobid,$cellid,1,$b,coords) {0 0 - 10 10}
              PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
              Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


              • r0lZ
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • Mar 2004
                • 1508

                Sorry. I forgot to change the version number of beta3. I have uploaded the plugin again (but it is still beta3.)

                I have also added a line of code to clear the PUOs prohibiting the use of the remote buttons necessary for the function. Although it's not necessary with most compilations, it's safer.
                PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
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                • jinjin_jp
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  Digital Video Enthusiast
                  • Aug 2006
                  • 315

                  Originally Posted by r0lZ
                  (BTW, if you want to check the method, you can simply enlarge button 1 so that its width or height is greater than 10. That should be sufficient.)
                  I confirmed it by beta2. Buttons are diplayed in the menu viewer automatically as you say.

                  But 2st cell is not displayed in the menu viewer though 1st cell is displayed (1 tested with 2 cells.)
                  And flow is something wrong like below.

                  1st cell is displayed in the menu viwer.
                  (click "skip")
                  2nd cell is displayed in the Preview(not menu viewer).
                  (click "close Preview")
                  so again,
                  1st cell is displayed in the menu viwer.
                  (click "skip")
                  2nd cell is displayed in the Preview(not menu viewer).
                  (click "close Preview")
                  go next.



                  • r0lZ
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 1508

                    I can't reproduce the problem.
                    Are you sure you have clicked "Skip"?
                    Can you post the trace log?
                    PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
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                    • dirio49
                      Platinum Member
                      Platinum Member
                      • Apr 2005
                      • 177

                      r0lZ, can you add a yes to all and no to all for this Dialog.
                      or at least ask for only once per title.
                      or you can have a yes to all and no to all take effect only per title not globallly

                      Dialog title: "PgcEdit: Save Buttons"
                      Dialog type: question
                      Dialog message:
                      There are modified buttons in file "VTS_02_1.VOB" (1.0 GB).
                      This VOB file will be updated now.
                      There is still no backup of this file in the PgcEdit_backup folder.
                      Do you want to backup the original file now?
                      Dialog buttons: [Yes] [No] [Cancel]
                      Last edited by dirio49; 12 Jul 2007, 06:10 AM.
                      Birthdays are good. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest .


                      • r0lZ
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 1508

                        Yes, I did it already! But again, this dialog is in PgcEdit, not in the plugin. You have to wait...
                        PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
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                        • jinjin_jp
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          • Aug 2006
                          • 315

                          Originally Posted by r0lZ
                          I can't reproduce the problem.
                          Are you sure you have clicked "Skip"?
                          Can you post the trace log?
                          Sorry, I mistook. I mistook 2nd display is as 2nd cell.
                          1st cell is displayed in the menu viwer.
                          (click "skip")
                          1st cell is displayed in the Preview(not menu viewer).
                          (click "close Preview")
                          2nd cell is displayed in the menu viwer.
                          (click "skip")
                          2nd cell is displayed in the Preview(not menu viewer).
                          (click "close Preview")
                          1 forgot 1 cell displayed twice. (each in the menu viwer and Preview)
                          There is no problem.



                          • r0lZ
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 1508

                            PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                            Unofficial mirror (in Poland)


                            • jinjin_jp
                              Digital Video Enthusiast
                              Digital Video Enthusiast
                              • Aug 2006
                              • 315

                              When open DVD which has many Re-Authored titles, displayed "This is known bug ... when there are more than 48 titles ...".
                              It should be 49 ?
                              Actually when 49 titles, there are 97 commands and it's not displayed and not modified anything.



                              • r0lZ
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                • Mar 2004
                                • 1508

                                Oops, that's right!
                                It's fixed now. Thanks!
                                PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                                Unofficial mirror (in Poland)

