I am using Prassi PrimoDVD vers 2.0 to burn a VIDEO_TS directory to a Pioneer A104.
I keep getting the message 'Terminated with errors' .
I view the error log and it says..
'VIDEO_TS or AUDIO_TS DVD Format Error' ..
I cannot work out what the problem is. I have burnt the sample VIDEO_TS from the IfoEdit site .. no errors and it plays fine.
I have extracted and created the VIDEO_TS using the DVD9-DVD5 guide .
What is the message trying to tell me ?.
I know I can bypass this error message by unchecking the 'Recognise,Check and Format the VIDEO_TS etc... ' check box but I don't want to do this.
There must be something wrong with the structure of the VIDEO_TS directory.
Any help would be appreciated..
I am using Prassi PrimoDVD vers 2.0 to burn a VIDEO_TS directory to a Pioneer A104.
I keep getting the message 'Terminated with errors' .
I view the error log and it says..
'VIDEO_TS or AUDIO_TS DVD Format Error' ..
I cannot work out what the problem is. I have burnt the sample VIDEO_TS from the IfoEdit site .. no errors and it plays fine.
I have extracted and created the VIDEO_TS using the DVD9-DVD5 guide .
What is the message trying to tell me ?.
I know I can bypass this error message by unchecking the 'Recognise,Check and Format the VIDEO_TS etc... ' check box but I don't want to do this.
There must be something wrong with the structure of the VIDEO_TS directory.
Any help would be appreciated..
