Can´t play my backups

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  • shiny#3
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Jul 2003
    • 1000

    no i am not a moderator
    crossposting just confuses me a lot

    the very first post of arctic silver does in this case, because
    it does not seem to be a reply, but another question on someone elses back. I might be mistaking but there appeard several more question on related topics, and the original question gets lost!!

    I would feel unconfortable if I asked a question on a new thread
    and then everyone is disscussing something similar but my question is becoming more and more likley to remain unanswered!

    excuse the shouting , everyone


    • wapazoid
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2003
      • 15

      Honestly, I don't think a forum exists that doesn't contain multiple questions on a single thread. I know what you're saying, and it can be rude at times...when it's completely unrelated to the topic. It usually switches gears on the conversation and the original poster is sometimes forgotten. But arctic's question was relevant. He's having playback compatibility problems as well.

