DVD Dycpter Questions

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  • EarthBound
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 13

    DVD Dycpter Questions

    I am trying to burn a 7.79GB Movie(DVD-10).And with DVD-shrink i can Photo shot only or something like that.(does picking that opition make the DVD picure look bad?)Which make the video 1.65GB.And i was just wondering with DVD Dyctper,could i make a .ISO then read it to my HD then burn it.Then when it fills up the 4.7GB DVD-R will it ask for me to put in another blank DVD-R?Thanks
    Last edited by EarthBound; 21 Jul 2003, 06:02 PM.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "And with DVD-shrink i can Photo shot only or something like that.(does picking that opition make the DVD picure look bad?)Which make the video 1.65GB."

    I assume you actually mean "Still Image" and not "Photo shot".
    Is there any reason you aren't selecting 50% compression or less?


    • chipferg
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2003
      • 7

      Is there a difference in quality between a 47% compression and like a 5% compression?


      • UncasMS
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2001
        • 9047


        because 5% will be QUALITY

        47% WONT


        • EarthBound
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2003
          • 13

          Even at the lowest encoding thats 2nd to still image is still to big.So will reencoding it with still photos makes the picture bad looking?Thanks


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            "So will reencoding it with still photos makes the picture bad looking?"

            If you select "Still images" for the entire DVD, you'll have a USELESS DVD containing nothing more than a bunch of still pictures!

            "Even at the lowest encoding thats 2nd to still image is still to big"

            Then you'll have to use the "Re-author" mode instead of the "Full Disk" mode. Read the excellent HELP file, available from the DVDShrink "Help" dropdown menu, for information on how to use the "Re-author" mode...


            • nwg
              Left *****
              • Jun 2003
              • 5196

              If the ouput is still too big then, put the the output from shrink in shrink again and repeat the compression tomake it even smaller. It probably won't look very good though.

              Only use still pictures for extras you don't want to make them use as little space as possible.


              • 4speed
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2003
                • 18

                Try this method using DVD2one and Anydvd

                This method will work for the long DVD-9 movies

                This method will work for your long movies and keep the quality excellent. It is not complicated and you can keep all your menus and extras.

