Testing the Benq 1650 and more

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  • Chewy
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2003
    • 18971

    put setting back to default, flash back in safe mode, try 2 or 3 burns, see if the matterhorn mountain disappears, your drive may be going out, I had one that I tried everything on, same problem, nothing worked including cleaning and relubricating.


    • NightTran
      King of Digital Video
      King of Digital Video
      • Aug 2005
      • 4224

      if you go back to BSLB, burn at least 5 burn check quality each burn ( qsuit every thing on but overspeed off), after you can turn over speed on then check quality again, with mine experience qsuit does not improve the quality but I can burn at 12x and still have the same quality as 8x, go back to BSLB is a must

      I would die if mine 1640 burn 4000 burn . I think you need to find another 1640 at CompUSA


      • gonwk
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Dec 2005
        • 1500

        Hi Chewey & Nighttran,

        Chewey ... after few burns with BSRB ... my Yellow Mountains have dewindled ... gone down to very small 1 hills and very few.

        Q: what do you mean to flash back in "SAFE MODE"?
        The way I do it is just Execute the BSLB file and it walks me through ... or so I need to do something else????



        • Chewy
          Super Moderator
          • Nov 2003
          • 18971

          I boot to safe mode to flash, but not to worry, on a clean machine it's
          not necssary, just safer. may have had a bad group of disks


          • katzdvd
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Feb 2006
            • 2198

            Stated in an eariler post (#96):
            Most of the newer burners have a built in mechanism that tries to tweak
            burn strategy as it "learns" a media, after a few disks(a certain mid) burned,
            this settles down and it remembers
            I have proved this for myself; I was anxious to burn the new TY media that I received recently. After about 15 discs or so, I went back to finish up the Verbatims that I had left over (about 7 discs).

            Wow! My previous very good burns with the Verbatims went south by about 6 to 8 in the QS. Not a real big drop, but if you are after "trophy burns", it sure puts a dent in the disc!

            Just wanted to post this for confirmation - it is true. Finish out your old batch before starting a new one! At least, this has been my experience with it. Learning everyday... that's why I'm on here!

            Thanks for the info, chew!


            • katzdvd
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • Feb 2006
              • 2198

              Chewy, BR7 & others -

              What are you guys doing to get those 98 - 99 Q-scores (Disc Quality Scan Thread)?!!

              I am now using TY Prem. media, & also the verbatims (all gone now).

              Once in a blue moon I will get one like that, not too often. Usually if I burn a smaller disc, such as a cartoon show, etc., that only used 1/2 of the disc, I will get a high score like that.

              I have implemented the GROB & try to follow all the info./advice on here - am I missing something?

              regards, katz


              • Chewy
                Super Moderator
                • Nov 2003
                • 18971

                90-95 is OK
                96-97 is good
                98-99 unusally good batch of media

                trophy burns aren't average

                to get a trophy burn you need a clean disk scanned immediately after burning, one speck of dust you are toast.
                Last edited by Chewy; 16 Jul 2006, 05:40 AM.


                • NightTran
                  King of Digital Video
                  King of Digital Video
                  • Aug 2005
                  • 4224

                  convert data file burn is easy to get 98-99 if you get very good media, you will get bump if you burn dvd ( layer break, delete cene, warning, across movie) but this is my saying just dont quote me on it, I am a nob in every thing here


                  • copyless
                    Digital Video Expert
                    Digital Video Expert
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 713

                    Also katz, it is easier for some to produce higher QS scores as it is a computation of Max PIF and ECC. Like with my drive that I use to scan does great to produce a QS of 95, because with my ECC it only takes one PIF of 3 to score a 95. With a lot of drives it would take a PIF of like 8 to get the same score.

                    I wouldn't concern myself with the QS score so much as with the pattern of the PIE's,the Max PIF's and the way the PIF's are placed.


                    • gonwk
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 1500

                      Hi guys,

                      I hate to do this to you guys ... but guess what ... I decided to keep my BSRB on my 1640 and after few burns ... I am getting nothing 100 scores on my TYG02 Premiums burning at 8X.

                      I am happy!



                      • Chewy
                        Super Moderator
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 18971

                        let's see a scan


                        • NightTran
                          King of Digital Video
                          King of Digital Video
                          • Aug 2005
                          • 4224

                          100? I would love to see that 100 score too

                          Chewy, I just got two new benq, should I plug internal and test few burn one by one or I can put in external box and test? before put back in closet ?

                          Last edited by NightTran; 18 Jul 2006, 08:15 AM.


                          • katzdvd
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            • Feb 2006
                            • 2198

                            Future DVD-RW Drives


                            I searched all over the forums for something I thought I saw that you had posted awhile ago. I Thought that you had posted for someone to buy a few extra drives & squirrel them away, as future DVD-RW drives won't be able to read discs for ripping.

                            Am I correct that you posted something to that effect, or am I hallucinating?!?

                            I am certain that I saw something like that posted, but as I said, I have searched high & low for a couple of days now, & I can't find any reference to that post at all...

                            Tell me I'm not imagining things...



                            • Chewy
                              Super Moderator
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 18971

                              the new models of benq may not support scanning with disk quality in cdspeed. What night and i talked about was buying a new one, then scanning
                              a few disks(real good burns) maybe some other ones then saving the disks and scans then comparing later with that same drive which had been put into storage. The 1650 wasn't here in the states for months after the 1640's disappeared off the market. I don't think they are going to get a whole lot cheaper. Wouldn't hurt to have at least one stuck back, a lot of people wear them out before the firmware even matures.


                              • katzdvd
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                • Feb 2006
                                • 2198

                                the new models of benq may not support scanning with disk quality in cdspeed
                                Ok, I knew I had seen that! Why did you say that? Had you read that the new benq's might not support scanning? And, if that is the case, is there another program (kprobe, etc) that we can use in its' place?

