Problems with Burnig and Nero Burning Rom..

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  • DjDiabolik
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2006
    • 2

    Problems with Burnig and Nero Burning Rom..

    I have this problems for several month.. i have changed my CD/DVD Burner Driver but the problems still again..... This a log of a failed burn:
    a delinquere
    Nero Serial Removed
    Windows XP 5.1
    WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=4.71 (0002), size=45056 bytes, created 17/07/2002 9.20.56
    ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Programmi\Ahead\Nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=164112 bytes, created 02/11/2004 12.54.32
    NT-SPTI used
    Nero Version:
    Internal Version: 6, 6, 1, 4d

    Version: Y5H3 - HA 1 TA 1 -
    Adapter driver: <IDE>HA 1
    Drive buffer : 2048kB
    Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ?
    Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
    Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder
    CD-ROM: <KC3035W EEA245M>Version: 1.0 - HA 1 TA 2 -
    Adapter driver: <SCSI>HA 1
    === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    DiskPeripheral : Maxtor 6Y080L0 atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: On
    DiskPeripheral : Maxtor 6Y120L0 atapi Port 0 ID 1 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8481B atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : PHILIPS SPD2400L1 atapi Port 1 ID 1 DMA: On
    DiskPeripheral : fasttx2k Port 2 ID 0 DMA: Off
    CdRomPeripheral : KC3035W EEA245M 1.0 dtscsi Port 4 ID 0 DMA: Off
    === CDRom-Device-Map ===
    HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8481B F: CDRom0
    PHILIPS SPD2400L1 G: CDRom1
    KC3035W EEA245M H: CDRom2
    AutoRun : 1
    Excluded drive IDs:
    WriteBufferSize: 74448896 (0) Byte
    ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    BUFE : 0
    Physical memory : 511MB (523808kB)
    Free physical memory: 164MB (168168kB)
    Memory in use : 67
    Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    Use Inquiry : 1
    Global Bus Type: default (0)
    Check supported media : Disabled (0)
    20.45.15 #1 CDADOC -1 File Cdadoc.cpp, Line 1456
    Audio item log info:
    Audio document burn settings:
    Burn mode: DAO,
    CD Text: On,
    Cache disk or network files: No,
    Cache small files: No,
    Cache files smaller than 65536 bytes.
    Audio Multisession: No
    List of audio tracks:
    Track 01: Length: 02:54.62, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '01-blink_182-feeling_this-rem.mp3'.
    Track 02: Length: 02:44.01, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '02-blink_182-obvious-rem.mp3'.
    Track 03: Length: 03:47.53, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '03-blink_182-i_miss_you-rem.mp3'.
    Track 04: Length: 03:49.44, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '04-blink_182-violence-rem.mp3'.
    Track 05: Length: 02:41.38, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '05-blink_182-stockholm_syndrome-rem.mp3'.
    Track 06: Length: 03:03.73, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '06-blink_182-down-rem.mp3'.
    Track 07: Length: 02:12.72, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '07-blink_182-the_fallen_interlude-rem.mp3'.
    Track 08: Length: 01:53.27, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '08-blink_182-go-rem.mp3'.
    Track 09: Length: 04:20.09, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '09-blink_182-asthenia-rem.mp3'.
    Track 10: Length: 04:12.25, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '10-blink_182-always-rem.mp3'.
    Track 11: Length: 02:21.08, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '11-blink_182-easy_target-rem.mp3'.
    Track 12: Length: 04:40.39, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '12-blink_182-all_of_this-rem.mp3'.
    Track 13: Length: 02:54.64, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '13-blink_182-heres_your_letter-rem.mp3'.
    Track 14: Length: 06:20.64, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '14-blink_182-im_lost_without_you-rem.mp3'.
    Total size: 48:25.54

    20.45.15 #2 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3012
    Protezione buffer underrun attivato

    20.45.15 #3 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 531
    ReadBuffer-Pipe got 72704KB of Memory

    20.45.15 #4 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 124
    Reader running

    20.45.15 #5 Text 0 File Writer.cpp, Line 122
    Writer PHILIPS SPD2400L1 running

    20.45.15 #6 Text 0 File AudioCompilationImpl.cpp, Line 842
    DRM: StartDrmRecording(RealRec:1, ImageRec:0, Copies:1)
    DRM: Beginning burn process.

    20.45.15 #7 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3305
    Turn on Disc-At-Once, using CD-R/RW media

    20.45.15 #8 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 281
    Last possible write address on media: 359846 ( 79:59.71)
    Last address to be written: 217778 ( 48:25.53)

    20.45.15 #9 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 293
    Write in overburning mode: NO (enabled: CD)

    20.45.15 #10 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 2612
    Recorder: PHILIPS SPD2400L1

    20.45.15 #11 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 459
    >>> Protocol of DlgWaitCD activities: <<<

    20.45.15 #12 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 847
    Setup items (after recorder preparation)
    0: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (01-blink_182-feeling_this-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 13112 (13112) = #13112/2:54.62
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13112 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (02-blink_182-obvious-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 12301 (12301) = #12301/2:44.1
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 12301 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (03-blink_182-i_miss_you-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 17078 (17078) = #17078/3:47.53
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 17078 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (04-blink_182-violence-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 17219 (17219) = #17219/3:49.44
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 17219 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (05-blink_182-stockholm_syndrome-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 12113 (12113) = #12113/2:41.38
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 12113 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (06-blink_182-down-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 13798 (13798) = #13798/3:3.73
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13798 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (07-blink_182-the_fallen_interlude-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 9972 (9972) = #9972/2:12.72
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 9972 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (08-blink_182-go-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 8502 (8502) = #8502/1:53.27
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 8502 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (09-blink_182-asthenia-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 19509 (19509) = #19509/4:20.9
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 19509 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (10-blink_182-always-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 18925 (18925) = #18925/4:12.25
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18925 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (11-blink_182-easy_target-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 10583 (10583) = #10583/2:21.8
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 10583 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (12-blink_182-all_of_this-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 21039 (21039) = #21039/4:40.39
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 21039 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (13-blink_182-heres_your_letter-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 13114 (13114) = #13114/2:54.64
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13114 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]
    13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (14-blink_182-im_lost_without_you-rem.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 28564 (28564) = #28564/6:20.64
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 28564 blocks [PHILIPS SPD2400L1]

    20.45.15 #13 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1059
    Prepare recorder [PHILIPS SPD2400L1] for write in CUE-sheet-DAO
    DAO infos:
    MCN: " "
    TOCType: 0x00; Session Closed, disc fixated
    Tracks 1 to 14:
    1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 0 352800 31192224, ISRC ""
    2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 31192224 31545024 60476976, ISRC ""
    3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 60476976 60829776 100997232, ISRC ""
    4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 100997232 101350032 141849120, ISRC ""
    5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 141849120 142201920 170691696, ISRC ""
    6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 170691696 171044496 203497392, ISRC ""
    7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 203497392 203850192 227304336, ISRC ""
    8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 227304336 227657136 247653840, ISRC ""
    9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 247653840 248006640 293891808, ISRC ""
    10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 293891808 294244608 338756208, ISRC ""
    11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 338756208 339109008 364000224, ISRC ""
    12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 364000224 364353024 413836752, ISRC ""
    13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 413836752 414189552 445033680, ISRC ""
    14: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 445033680 445386480 512569008, ISRC ""
    DAO layout:
    __Start_|____Track_|_Idx_|_CtrlAdr_|_RecDep_______ ___
    -150 | lead-in | 0 | 0x01 | 0x00
    -150 | 1 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    0 | 1 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    13112 | 2 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    13262 | 2 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    25563 | 3 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    25713 | 3 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    42791 | 4 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    42941 | 4 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    60160 | 5 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    60310 | 5 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    72423 | 6 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    72573 | 6 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    86371 | 7 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    86521 | 7 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    96493 | 8 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    96643 | 8 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    105145 | 9 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    105295 | 9 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    124804 | 10 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    124954 | 10 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    143879 | 11 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    144029 | 11 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    154612 | 12 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    154762 | 12 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    175801 | 13 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    175951 | 13 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    189065 | 14 | 0 | 0x21 | 0x00
    189215 | 14 | 1 | 0x21 | 0x00
    217779 | lead-out | 1 | 0x01 | 0x00

    20.45.15 #14 Text 0 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 38
    SPTILockVolume - completed successfully for FCTL_LOCK_VOLUME

    20.45.15 #15 Text 0 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 83
    SPTIDismountVolume - completed successfully for FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME

    20.45.15 #16 Phase 36 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1685
    Burn process started at 8x (1.200 KB/s)

    20.45.15 #17 SPTI -1189 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 289
    G: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1189)
    Sense Key: 0x05 (KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST)
    Sense Code: 0x30
    Sense Qual: 0x02
    CDB Data: 0xAD 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 40 00 00 00
    Sense Area: 0x70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 30 02
    Buffer x042e0200: Len x4000

    20.45.15 #18 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 0 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0

    20.45.15 #19 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 1 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #13262

    20.45.15 #20 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 2 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #25713

    20.45.15 #21 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 3 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #42941

    20.45.15 #22 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 4 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #60310

    20.45.15 #23 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 5 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #72573

    20.45.15 #24 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 6 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #86521

    20.45.15 #25 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 7 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #96643

    20.45.15 #26 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 8 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #105295

    20.45.15 #27 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 9 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #124954

    20.45.15 #28 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 10 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #144029

    20.45.15 #29 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 11 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #154762

    20.45.15 #30 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 12 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #175951

    Continue on next reply........
  • DjDiabolik
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2006
    • 2

    20.45.15 #31 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    Verifying disc position of item 13 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #189215
    20.45.15 #32 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 17161
    StartDAO : CD-Text - On
    20.45.15 #33 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 21840
    Set BUFE: Buffer underrun protection -> ON , Adapt writespeed to disc : ON
    20.45.15 #34 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 17394
    CueData, Len=240
    21 00 00 41 00 00 00 00
    21 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
    21 01 01 00 00 00 02 00
    21 02 00 00 00 02 38 3e
    21 02 01 00 00 02 3a 3e
    21 03 00 00 00 05 2a 3f
    21 03 01 00 00 05 2c 3f
    21 04 00 00 00 09 20 29
    21 04 01 00 00 09 22 29
    21 05 00 00 00 0d 18 0a
    21 05 01 00 00 0d 1a 0a
    21 06 00 00 00 10 07 30
    21 06 01 00 00 10 09 30
    21 07 00 00 00 13 0d 2e
    21 07 01 00 00 13 0f 2e
    21 08 00 00 00 15 1c 2b
    21 08 01 00 00 15 1e 2b
    21 09 00 00 00 17 17 46
    21 09 01 00 00 17 19 46
    21 0a 00 00 00 1b 2e 04
    21 0a 01 00 00 1b 30 04
    21 0b 00 00 00 20 00 1d
    21 0b 01 00 00 20 02 1d
    21 0c 00 00 00 22 17 25
    21 0c 01 00 00 22 19 25
    21 0d 00 00 00 27 06 01
    21 0d 01 00 00 27 08 01
    21 0e 00 00 00 2a 02 41
    21 0e 01 00 00 2a 04 41
    01 aa 01 01 00 30 19 36

    20.45.28 #35 SPTI -1194 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 289
    G: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1194)
    Sense Key: 0x03 (KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR)
    Sense Code: 0x73
    Sense Qual: 0x04
    CDB Data: 0x5C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00
    Sense Area: 0x71 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 73 04
    Buffer x030f6e00: Len xc
    20.45.37 #36 SPTI -1135 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 289
    G: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1135)
    Sense Key: 0x03 (KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR)
    Sense Code: 0x0C
    Sense Qual: 0x00
    CDB Data: 0x2A 00 FF FF E1 B3 00 02 AA 00 00 00
    Sense Area: 0x70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 0C
    Buffer x04990000: Len xffc0
    0x20 10 10 12 01 12 00 31 0E 03 08 00 10 26 31 29
    0x1B 26 2C 20 0C 1C 00 2A 20 10 14 13 01 33 20 32
    0x00 04 09 2C 1A 16 39 2B 08 03 04 38 0C 21 38 1D

    20.45.37 #37 CDR -1135 File Writer.cpp, Line 311
    Write error
    G: PHILIPS SPD2400L1

    20.45.41 #38 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 228
    all writers idle, stopping conversion

    20.45.41 #39 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 222
    conversion idle, stopping reader

    20.45.41 #40 Phase 38 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1685
    Burn process failed at 8x (1.200 KB/s)

    20.45.41 #41 Text 0 File AudioCompilationImpl.cpp, Line 867
    DRM: DRM burn session terminated.

    20.45.41 #42 Text 0 File AudioCompilationImpl.cpp, Line 896
    DRM: Closing entire DRM handling. Bye.
    Existing drivers:
    File 'Drivers\ASPI32.SYS': Ver=4.71 (0002), size=16877 bytes, created 17/07/2002 8.53.02
    File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=3.00.11B, size=46080 bytes, created 16/05/2006 22.23.54 (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
    File 'Drivers\scsiport.sys': Ver=5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), size=96256 bytes, created 04/08/2004 1.59.42 (Adapter driver for src)
    Registry Keys:
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

    How i can resolve ??? I try to unistall and reinstall.. change type of support.... etc. etc.


    • photo_angel2004
      Queen of Digital Video
      Queen of Digital Video
      • Jan 2004
      • 3558

      Try nero6.6.0.18 in my sig or IMGburn its free also.

      IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


      • soup
        Just Trying To Help
        • Nov 2005
        • 7524

        Are you burning an audio CD?

