I was playing around today with testing the quality on some OLD dvd burns.
In most cases I was trying to see how bad the old princco's were.
So I decided to test some old Verbatims that I used When I first learned how to back a dvd up.
The older verbatims are a different color too the old ones are a purple as where the new ones are a blue.
OLD Verbatim:

New verbatim:

Question now is will the old verbatims be good in a few more years?
Are they still a good quality disc or junk like the princo's .
In most cases I was trying to see how bad the old princco's were.
So I decided to test some old Verbatims that I used When I first learned how to back a dvd up.
The older verbatims are a different color too the old ones are a purple as where the new ones are a blue.
OLD Verbatim:

New verbatim:

Question now is will the old verbatims be good in a few more years?
Are they still a good quality disc or junk like the princo's .