I've tried burning this movie all day. Not sure what it could be. I got the newest version of dvd shrink, dvd decrypter, ripit4me and fix vts. I'm using Nero 6 to burn. I've had no issues till recently to where I shut off automatically burning with nero and use nero recode to make the final burn. I switched it back to run nero automatically and still no luck.
What I get with Talladega Nights is: 1st decrypter runs all the way thru, fix vts runs all the way and when it takes me back to ripit4me gives me this message:
"Error: Couldn't create the directory for the logs!". Then I run shrink and try to burn and only get about 2.8% and fails.
What I get with Talladega Nights is: 1st decrypter runs all the way thru, fix vts runs all the way and when it takes me back to ripit4me gives me this message:
"Error: Couldn't create the directory for the logs!". Then I run shrink and try to burn and only get about 2.8% and fails.