Thank you it will scan wow
Samsung 203B
Asus P5N-E Sli nForce 650i mobo
Intel Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz
4 Gb OCZ Platinum Rev 2 PC6400 DDR2 800mhz
Samsung 203B(sata)
BenQ 1655(ide)
Lite-On LH-20A1S-12 (sata)
500Gb WD caviar (sata)
300Gb Seagate Barracuda (ide)
500Gb Western Digital external Harddrive USB X 2
600w Ultra Infinity PS
8500GT 512mb Vid
Samsung Syncmaster 906BW
Vista Ultimate (32 bit) -
I'll post in quality thread but,since so many were involved to help me scan here is my first with the new sammy
Sony T02 1x-8x DVD+R MIJ burned and scanned on 203b at 8xAsus P5N-E Sli nForce 650i mobo
Intel Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz
4 Gb OCZ Platinum Rev 2 PC6400 DDR2 800mhz
Samsung 203B(sata)
BenQ 1655(ide)
Lite-On LH-20A1S-12 (sata)
500Gb WD caviar (sata)
300Gb Seagate Barracuda (ide)
500Gb Western Digital external Harddrive USB X 2
600w Ultra Infinity PS
8500GT 512mb Vid
Samsung Syncmaster 906BW
Vista Ultimate (32 bit)Comment
As always I am very appreciative thanks guys.Hey soup it doesn't burn yudens as well as yours wanna swap?Ha HaAsus P5N-E Sli nForce 650i mobo
Intel Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz
4 Gb OCZ Platinum Rev 2 PC6400 DDR2 800mhz
Samsung 203B(sata)
BenQ 1655(ide)
Lite-On LH-20A1S-12 (sata)
500Gb WD caviar (sata)
300Gb Seagate Barracuda (ide)
500Gb Western Digital external Harddrive USB X 2
600w Ultra Infinity PS
8500GT 512mb Vid
Samsung Syncmaster 906BW
Vista Ultimate (32 bit)Comment
That's only your first, you never know, you might get the Holy Grail yet, (perfect burn). BTW great burn & scan.
Ok thanks again guys and gals I'm off to bed gotta get up in 5 hours.Last night I went to bed frustrated but, tonight much better.Tomorrow I start my DL burns I've got 20-25 files to burn so I'll post some scans.Asus P5N-E Sli nForce 650i mobo
Intel Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz
4 Gb OCZ Platinum Rev 2 PC6400 DDR2 800mhz
Samsung 203B(sata)
BenQ 1655(ide)
Lite-On LH-20A1S-12 (sata)
500Gb WD caviar (sata)
300Gb Seagate Barracuda (ide)
500Gb Western Digital external Harddrive USB X 2
600w Ultra Infinity PS
8500GT 512mb Vid
Samsung Syncmaster 906BW
Vista Ultimate (32 bit)Comment
Your Welcome jblitz277. I am gald it worked out. I look forward to your future scans.
Good Luck to you.
@Soup Thank You. I remember when you, Dan and Chewy taught me on my sammy.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software \ Classes \ VirtualStore \ MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ ahead \ Nero Toolkit \ CD Speed \ Click CD Quality
Ok for future refference or any1 reading this thread with 32 bit Vista Ultimate it was this but,with me minus the Wow6432Node .Thanks again all . You guys are great.Asus P5N-E Sli nForce 650i mobo
Intel Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz
4 Gb OCZ Platinum Rev 2 PC6400 DDR2 800mhz
Samsung 203B(sata)
BenQ 1655(ide)
Lite-On LH-20A1S-12 (sata)
500Gb WD caviar (sata)
300Gb Seagate Barracuda (ide)
500Gb Western Digital external Harddrive USB X 2
600w Ultra Infinity PS
8500GT 512mb Vid
Samsung Syncmaster 906BW
Vista Ultimate (32 bit)Comment