What are your all time favourite movies?

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  • khp
    The Other
    • Nov 2001
    • 2161

    "Dancer In The Dark" was a Lars Von Trier Masterpiece with Bjork, Catrine Deneuve... U should watch it
    I'll second that.
    I saw it at my local cinema, at the end you could not hear the movie because half the audience was crying.

    That is one powerfull movie, you need to schedule at least 5 hours for it, the movie itself is about 3 hour, and u will need 2 hours to come to your senses afterwards.
    Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


    • Kaiser-Soze
      Platinum Member
      Platinum Member
      • Jan 2002
      • 165

      Totally agree with u though u have a reason more to support and like this movie (Lars Von Trier is Danish after all)
      About the hours if you read my third post u will see it was more like a day for me
      Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


      • neoisback
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2002
        • 29

        1) Clockwork Orange - coz i love it.. its so ****in funny..
        2) The GodFather part 2 - i feel this is better than the first. I watched this first but it did intrigue me to watch the original. But i was slightly dissapointed.
        3)Pulp Fiction - i liked this due to the chronical dissaray and intertwining stories. Tarantino was so right in making this movie.
        4)Ferris Beuler's Day Off with Mathew Broderick is wicked! i just keep watching it when i find it.
        5) Another Kubrick Film The Shining is cool. I like how stanley doesnt lay out the answers and leaves it to the audience to think about it. Especially at the end photo frame.
        6) Highlander is another classic i love. I just cant get enough i first watched it when i was like 12 and got totally pulled in. The others though. thats another story... literally.
        7) Star Wars Saga the second half only though the episode 1 sux anus. I love the actors who treat it as just a seedy movie.
        8) The Matrix needs a mention in here as well. I semi stole the bullet time idea and put it in my film so i guess it belongs here.
        9) Rope is very witty. Even though hitchcock doesnt cameo in it. I love the use of phallic objects throughout the entire film.
        10) last but no where least Fight Club/ Seven both these films are brilliant contemporary noirs.
        tell me if u disagree with me but these i feel are cool and i probably forgot some so i might update it later.


        • squidgy
          bored during 4th period
          • Jan 2002
          • 44

          I think it's a pity that people feel that they can't do bullet time without being considered to be taking the mick out of The Matrix. No-one considers the idea of "colour" to be stolen from Wizard of Oz or whatever, or considers the idea of "overlays" or "computer generated images" to be stolen from anywhere either. My point is that neoisback has not really stolen anything at all.

          I've seen Pulp Fiction but haven't seen True Romance yet, how does it compare?

          I can't find Les Miserables in my local rental library! I'm going to have to look a bit further for it.

          I believe that Lars Von Trier really believes in the virtue of hand held cameras and no special effects, which is fine I suppose, at least it means you don't have to give him a big budget to get a decent movie out of him. Has anyone seen any other Von Trier movies?

          He brings out the contrast between fixed cameras and hand held in Dancer In The Dark, though, all the music fantasy scenes use fixed cameras, they also have higher colour intensity, much like the way that The Matrix has a different colour tint for the "real world" and "matrix world" scenes. I suppose this way of spelling things out to the audience is not uncommon at all, you could even compare it to The Wizard of Oz, where Kansas is all in black and white. However, the complete absence of any such colour effects in Girl Interrupted for the flashback sequences confused me slightly on the first time I watched it, though.
          There's a difference between love and Stockholm Syndrome.
          technobabble and psychobabble


          • Kaiser-Soze
            Platinum Member
            Platinum Member
            • Jan 2002
            • 165

            I divide films to 2 major categories
            films that are amusing, entertaining (Comedies,Action e.tc.)
            and movies that really make u think, they touch your soul,
            There are a lot of movies from the first and the second categorie that are crap but also good movies too.
            I am not being racist to the first category. It's just movies that u watch at a different time than the others.
            I think neoisback are good first category films.
            I prefer the second category films but I respect different tastes in movies.

            Neoisback U can't really say Clockwork Orange is funny. More like tragical at my point of view.

            True Love is a typical good Tarantino movie. Lots of splatter and quick scenes. I have watched all Tarantino's movies. My favorite is Reservoir Dogs

            That is true. Lars Von Trier uses a lot the hand held cameras and that gives a more direct -inside the movie - feeling to the viewer
            To be honest my eyes were tired a bit but I liked it.
            I have watched another movie from Lars Von Trier but I only know the title in Greek and I don't think it is the same in English but if I make the translation I would say the movie is called
            "The idiots" . It's main theme is a group of guys who like to provoke morality of society in it's sexual side.

            Squidgy when u see "Les Miserables" tell me what u thought of it.

            "Les Miserables" is a film based on the book Victor Hugo wrote.
            The book is a masterpiece u should read it too if u haven't
            Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


            • neoisback
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 29

              i totally 4got about res dogs.. bollocks.. newayz as i was saying bout clock work orange to be funny.. i feel it is.. remember the bit where he swaps witty reparte (how eva u spell it) witht he 2 girls at the record boutique? then onto his room.. the fast forward sequence where they get dressed like 3 times and he just keeps on going. or when he gets drugged his face just got straight iint he spaghetti.. or when he fights off the lady with her big dick.. lol i think they r hilarious but then im a twisted warped individual : ) kubrick even said he meant it to be funny... its all thought provoking but if u can just sit back at 7 at night in a movie theatre next to 2 total strangers with every one llokin at ur hair... u may get the gist of what im typing about.. lol .. its red by the way (dyed) so i was the centre of attraction so i hid and just watched the film.. i found it really humorous especially with all the come here all thee hitherers etc talk.. by the way my name is antony if ne1 cared.. : )


              • mook
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Jan 2002
                • 2

                aha! u mentioned doctor strangelove... is this available on the net somewhere cos my local blockbusters sorta told me to sod off when i asked about it (id have assumed someone who works in a video shop would have heard of it but oh well), ive been wanting to see it for about 3.25 years, and frankly am begining to question it's existence!

                my favourite movie is possibly rudeboy (1979), about a young man who ends up questioning his ideals. but if you don't like The Clash (who feature heavily in the movie), it probably seems like a pile of shite

                ah well, Terminator 2 had good morphing effects, never get bored o' those.


                • mook
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Jan 2002
                  • 2

                  hang on.... kaiser soze

                  surely not the same one who uncovered my secret petrol fetish??!!


                  • Kaiser-Soze
                    Platinum Member
                    Platinum Member
                    • Jan 2002
                    • 165

                    To Neoisback

                    This story at cinema is quite funny I admit.
                    Glad to know your name Antony
                    My name is Giannis (John in english)
                    By the way I forgot to mention a favorite movie of mine which has lent me my nickname at this forum
                    "The Usual Suspects"
                    Has any1 seen it. Kaiser-Soze was the main movie character which no1 saw in the film because....
                    Well don't expect me to tell u the movie. Just go and see it
                    Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


                    • Kaiser-Soze
                      Platinum Member
                      Platinum Member
                      • Jan 2002
                      • 165

                      To mook

                      Well Rudeboy is quite interesting...
                      I 've seen it. The Clash aren't my favorites but I like them.
                      I don't know where u can download "Dr. Strangelove" but it has been released on DVD. I have borrowed it from my local Video Club (And have ripped it too ).
                      So the best thing to do is tell that local blockbuster of yours to get u that movie coz its awesome.
                      Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


                      • Kaiser-Soze
                        Platinum Member
                        Platinum Member
                        • Jan 2002
                        • 165

                        Hang on... mook

                        Hang on... mook

                        I guess so
                        Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


                        • neoisback
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Jan 2002
                          • 29

                          at least sum1 wants to know.. lol and yeah kevin spacey is awesome in that film.. i think hes cool in american beauty as well.. wicked cinemtaography and mise en scene... colours etc...
                          dr. strangelove is hard to get hold of though.. but if sum1 had it on dvd and cant rip too well couldnt sum1 send it along to save effort? and maybe time???
                          im not totally clear on the laws...


                          • Kaiser-Soze
                            Platinum Member
                            Platinum Member
                            • Jan 2002
                            • 165

                            I am not clear at laws at all
                            I have ripped it and i have it in 2 CD's but how can I send it to u?
                            Maybe via mail? (not e-mail, mail)
                            Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


                            • Kaiser-Soze
                              Platinum Member
                              Platinum Member
                              • Jan 2002
                              • 165

                              I mean Dr. Strangelove
                              Speak until the tape runs out. Playback the tape until the story is finished...


                              • squidgy
                                bored during 4th period
                                • Jan 2002
                                • 44

                                Maybe KS could host an FTP server and NB could download it, or NB could host an FTP server and KS could upload it, or you could swap phone numbers, one of you host a DUN server and the other one dial in to it. Last suggestion could involve an incredibly long international phone call though, it's probably cheaper for KS to phone NB than for NB to phone KS I guess.

                                Going back to NB's point about Clockwork Orange, "when he gets drugged his face just got straight iint he spaghetti" ... I don't remember that bit, where in the film did that appear, near the start or near the end or half way through? What happened just before it or after it? Thanks.
                                There's a difference between love and Stockholm Syndrome.
                                technobabble and psychobabble

