Hi and thanks for stop by
I bought a cheap 12ve monkeys dvd at some secondhand shop.
awesome great film by the way lol
The thing is i can´t skip the fbi warning and the other crapy stuff on it and even while watching the film i can´t control anything besides stop and play. Downloaded now several tools to activate and free more user operations (dvdidle, dvdx ghost). It doesnt help. Only after ripping with dvddecrypter and watching it from hdd gives solution. How comes?
greetz and thanks for your advice

I bought a cheap 12ve monkeys dvd at some secondhand shop.
awesome great film by the way lol

The thing is i can´t skip the fbi warning and the other crapy stuff on it and even while watching the film i can´t control anything besides stop and play. Downloaded now several tools to activate and free more user operations (dvdidle, dvdx ghost). It doesnt help. Only after ripping with dvddecrypter and watching it from hdd gives solution. How comes?
greetz and thanks for your advice