WinDVD 7 won't open or play!

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  • Skywalker9
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2005
    • 1

    Hi I think I had the same problem - When I click the windvd 7 icon it just can't start... Anyway I solved it yesterday by uninstalling all codecs first (even including nero for those nero digital codecs) and deleting anything found by the search string "intervideo" in registry (a folder in the reg called "lake control" is highly suspicious IMHO). Then I install WINDVD and it finally open for the first time in my laptop. I install back those codecs and seems they get along very well. Dunno what exactly cause the previous problem...
    Hope it will help.
    P.S. I do use ffdshow a lot but I just like playing DVD with WinDVD... Can't stop it, you may think me a jerk
    Last edited by Skywalker9; 17 Dec 2005, 05:23 PM.


    • mutant
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2006
      • 4

      same problem

      Hey I had the exact same problem. It installed, I registered it, rebooted and nothing. I uninstalled and reinstalled. Spent too long scratching my head about this so I googled and came up with this thread.
      CableNut is the problem for me. I clear all that it had changed and rebooted and WinDVD 7 worked!
      So I decided to sign up on this forum and put my 2 cents in and to thank you guys for the info. Especially Makubex_GB who put much work into finding out the cause

      I'm happy now

      Cool forum by the way


      • windfly
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2006
        • 3

        Hi, nice to meet you all.

        I want to add some info here. After long time investigation and trying, I finally found the Cablenut tweaking attribute that cause the problem:


        If its value is "1", WinDVD 7 won't run / launch. Erase it. You can reinstate other Cablenut tweaking to enjoy its benefit. Remember to save it to registry and reboot. Enjoy.

        I spent much time in figuring out how to make WinDVD 7 and finally found this forum and topic. It helped me much and I decided to join this forum.

        For those who want to know more about this attribute:

        DisableAddressSharing - This parameter is used to prevent address sharing (SO_REUSEADDR) between processes so that if a process opens a socket, no other process can steal data from it.


        • mutant
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2006
          • 4

          Thanks windfly.
          Much appreciated. Just in the last couple of weeks I installed
          TCP Optimizer
          in place of CableNut. It works almost as well and WinDVD works too. I'll put CableNut back in because I get slightly better download speeds.


          • MUff!N
            • Nov 2006
            • 1

            Thanks a lot for the Info!!!

            Originally Posted by windfly
            Hi, nice to meet you all.

            I want to add some info here. After long time investigation and trying, I finally found the Cablenut tweaking attribute that cause the problem:


            If its value is "1", WinDVD 7 won't run / launch. Erase it. You can reinstate other Cablenut tweaking to enjoy its benefit. Remember to save it to registry and reboot. Enjoy.

            I spent much time in figuring out how to make WinDVD 7 and finally found this forum and topic. It helped me much and I decided to join this forum.

            For those who want to know more about this attribute:

            DisableAddressSharing - This parameter is used to prevent address sharing (SO_REUSEADDR) between processes so that if a process opens a socket, no other process can steal data from it.
            I'd just like to thank those of you that figured out that CableNut was the problem, & for Windfly to figure out the exact line in the CableNut Adjuster that was causing this problem with WinDVD 7/8!!! As soon as I uninstalled CableNut, WinDVD 7 started right up!!! I never would have thought that this would cause any issues with this program (doesn't with anything else) but apparently it does!!!
            Now I've got WinDVD Platinum working perfectly and got my CableNut TwEaKs as well!!!
            Btw, I spent hours searching the Internet and this was the only site with the correct fix for the WinDVD issue of not Launching.... Thanks Everyone for the Great Info!!!!


            • Input
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2006
              • 1

              Originally Posted by mutant
              Wow this tool roks! Thanks for the link, mutant


              • Russell
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2007
                • 1

                I have Windvd 8 installed and it had been working ok but now does the same, no start. I've never had CableNut installed and the registry does not have a DisableAddressSharing entry in it. I've unistalled, cleaned the registry and reinstalled but it still won't start. I'm thinking I'll return it for a refund and get something else. It is shame really, I liked using Windvd but I just don't have the time to debug it for them.


                • spetragl
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 1

                  What's happening is this, WinDvd7's trial has expired, when it tries to display the window it dies because it was written for Win98 MFC42.
                  To fix this is easy.
                  Open My Computer or Windows Explorer and navigate to where you installed WinDvd; usually C:\Program Files\Intervideo ...
                  When you find WinDVD.exe, right click, properties, compatabilty.
                  Click Run This Program as Windows 98, OK.
                  Now when you start WinDVD, the expiration window will work.
                  - Steve

