Le texte ci dessous en anglais car un peu fatigué de tout reprendre en francais là car après 36 heures et 3 paquets de clops j'en ai marre
i'm rookie and i'm french so sorry for my english
And please answer me with VERY EASY words !!!
So i bought a dvd+r DL burner : SONY DRU-700 A last week
I make uptdates driver for sony (now VY06, but i try VY08 too but same result et maintenant CY58), my pc is on Windows XP SP1 updates OK
So everything is clear, i make a perfect burn for DVD-5 (with DVD-/+ R(W)
BUT MY DVD+R DL have a lot of problem
That depend of what disk i need to read for .ISO or burn (ARCOSS or the rest in fact)
I read forum for how to burn shrink with Imgburn : it seem very easy... so I try and....
I seem the extraction is OK because I have file about 8 Go and i can read with windvd (with daemoon tool)
I have this message from IMGBURN when i try to burn at the begining :
Optimal L1 Data Zone start LBA : None found ! (VTS_01)
This image has not been mastered correctly for burning onto a double layer (OTP Track patch) disc.
None of the cells meet the 'DVD-Video specification' criteria for a potential layer break position.
Do you want to continue anyway ? YES NO
So i try to change 'in preferences' REMOVE LAYER BREAK (i try yes and after i try NO for the same result), i try on 32 KB and after 64 KB, and i try Split 1 GB after no.... as you can see i try all option possible and all combinaison and of course i choose DVD-9
Each time i have the same result (same message)!!!!
Beside, when i try to make .ISO with dvdfab gold, i have the same message to burn with Imgburn !!!
But i found something strange : when i make .ISO with SHRINK i have about 8 Go for the image and when i do the same stuff with dvdfabgold for the same movie of course, i have an .ISO about 7.6 Go !!!! so it miss 0.4 Go !?!
Now I try to read and burn with DVDFABEXPRESS : everything seems OK : .ISO are on my HDD, ask me for a DVD empty, It burn (seems) and at the end tell me : OK i'm finish everything is OK
So i put the dvd on standalone (DENON 3910 and ONKYO) : all standalone don't work : nothing just eject the DVD (and i'm sur they are OK with DVD+R DL because a friend of mine have DVD+R DL and play fine on my standalone)
I put the dvd on DVD-ROM PC : nothing happen too : so i go to properties to see what is on my DVD : NOTHING - Not empy !!! juste NOTHING like GHOST LOL
So as you can see i need a gun and ONE bullet thank you
And may be a little help FOR SHRINK and may be for decrypter and imgburn and DVDFAB if you know what i make wrong !!!
P.S. / on me propose d'utiliser PGEDIT j'ai téléchargé le truc mais c'est trop complexe là : moi plutot decrypter - shrink etc mais en basique ; j'extrait une image de mon DVD puis je grave l'image : point barre
POUR MOI UNE GRAVURE CA DOIT ETRE COMME CA. Cela fait des années que je pratique comme ça et j'ai pas trop envie que ça change CAR SINON CELA DEMONTRE QUE LES CONSTRUCTEUR N'ONT ABSOLUMENT PAS MAITRTISER LE JOUJOU DES DVD+R DL AVEC LEUR GRAVEURS et que c'est à nous de se débrouiller : INADMISSIBLE
Le texte ci dessous en anglais car un peu fatigué de tout reprendre en francais là car après 36 heures et 3 paquets de clops j'en ai marre

i'm rookie and i'm french so sorry for my english
And please answer me with VERY EASY words !!!

So i bought a dvd+r DL burner : SONY DRU-700 A last week
I make uptdates driver for sony (now VY06, but i try VY08 too but same result et maintenant CY58), my pc is on Windows XP SP1 updates OK
So everything is clear, i make a perfect burn for DVD-5 (with DVD-/+ R(W)
BUT MY DVD+R DL have a lot of problem
That depend of what disk i need to read for .ISO or burn (ARCOSS or the rest in fact)
I read forum for how to burn shrink with Imgburn : it seem very easy... so I try and....

I seem the extraction is OK because I have file about 8 Go and i can read with windvd (with daemoon tool)
I have this message from IMGBURN when i try to burn at the begining :
Optimal L1 Data Zone start LBA : None found ! (VTS_01)
This image has not been mastered correctly for burning onto a double layer (OTP Track patch) disc.
None of the cells meet the 'DVD-Video specification' criteria for a potential layer break position.
Do you want to continue anyway ? YES NO
So i try to change 'in preferences' REMOVE LAYER BREAK (i try yes and after i try NO for the same result), i try on 32 KB and after 64 KB, and i try Split 1 GB after no.... as you can see i try all option possible and all combinaison and of course i choose DVD-9
Each time i have the same result (same message)!!!!
Beside, when i try to make .ISO with dvdfab gold, i have the same message to burn with Imgburn !!!
But i found something strange : when i make .ISO with SHRINK i have about 8 Go for the image and when i do the same stuff with dvdfabgold for the same movie of course, i have an .ISO about 7.6 Go !!!! so it miss 0.4 Go !?!
Now I try to read and burn with DVDFABEXPRESS : everything seems OK : .ISO are on my HDD, ask me for a DVD empty, It burn (seems) and at the end tell me : OK i'm finish everything is OK
So i put the dvd on standalone (DENON 3910 and ONKYO) : all standalone don't work : nothing just eject the DVD (and i'm sur they are OK with DVD+R DL because a friend of mine have DVD+R DL and play fine on my standalone)
I put the dvd on DVD-ROM PC : nothing happen too : so i go to properties to see what is on my DVD : NOTHING - Not empy !!! juste NOTHING like GHOST LOL
So as you can see i need a gun and ONE bullet thank you
And may be a little help FOR SHRINK and may be for decrypter and imgburn and DVDFAB if you know what i make wrong !!!
P.S. / on me propose d'utiliser PGEDIT j'ai téléchargé le truc mais c'est trop complexe là : moi plutot decrypter - shrink etc mais en basique ; j'extrait une image de mon DVD puis je grave l'image : point barre

POUR MOI UNE GRAVURE CA DOIT ETRE COMME CA. Cela fait des années que je pratique comme ça et j'ai pas trop envie que ça change CAR SINON CELA DEMONTRE QUE LES CONSTRUCTEUR N'ONT ABSOLUMENT PAS MAITRTISER LE JOUJOU DES DVD+R DL AVEC LEUR GRAVEURS et que c'est à nous de se débrouiller : INADMISSIBLE
