looking for the mpg1 codec

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  • DoubleDHZ
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 14

    looking for the mpg1 codec

    I downloaded a video, but I can't play it correctly. I already seacherd the net for the codec but couldn't find one.

    The only player capable of playing it is a linux player, unfortunately I'm on windows...

    4CC: mpg1
    Name: FFmpeg MPEG 1/2

    Can anyone tell me, where I can get this codec for windows???
  • Batman
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Jan 2002
    • 2317

    What is the error you recieve?

    From Virtualdub/mod post the "File properties" of the file.


    • DoubleDHZ
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2002
      • 14

      Error??? I get no error.

      I simply don't have that specific codec.

      I can't view the file properties in virtual dub, because I don't have the codec. If I try, then I get the expected error: Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'mpg1' (unknown)


      • Batman
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2002
        • 2317

        Play the file in a software dvd player such as Powerdvd or Windvd.


        • DoubleDHZ
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2002
          • 14

          that was the first thing I tried.... it doesn't work, because it's NO mpeg stream...

          It's an AVI using the 'mpg1' compression....


          • UncasMS
            Super Moderator
            • Nov 2001
            • 9047

            use FFDSHOW


            • DoubleDHZ
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2002
              • 14

              I already tried FFDshow. I installed it, but it had no executable file, so I tried to play it again in the media player....

              still can't view it...


              • Batman
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • Jan 2002
                • 2317

                FFDSHOW does have an executable file. You must first unzip the program, then runt he ffdshow install (executable file).


                • DoubleDHZ
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2002
                  • 14

                  I know how to install a program...

                  And yes, it has an executable, but only a config utility...

                  but there's no executable player....

                  and the media player still can't play this vid....


                  • Batman
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • Jan 2002
                    • 2317

                    What media player are you using? Try BSPLAYER.


                    • DoubleDHZ
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Jun 2002
                      • 14

                      The player is irrelevant, because 99% of all players use the codecs installed on your system...

                      ...but noone can say, I haven't tried everything: I downloaded & installed BS player. All I got was a 'unknown file format()'-error... as expected...


                      • setarip
                        • Dec 2001
                        • 24955

                        Try the PIM1 codec available at:

                        It appears to be one of three FOURCC codes for the FFMPEG1/2 codec you are seeking:

                        FFmpeg MPEG 1/2 -

                        PIM1 mpegvideo

                        Let us know of your success ;>}


                        • DoubleDHZ
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Jun 2002
                          • 14

                          The link is dead. I downloaded the PIM1 from another server...

                          Every player still requested the mpg1 codec, so I opened the video file in a hex editor and changed the FourCC from mpg1 to PIM1...

                          And now it's working!!!!

                          Thnx setarip!

                          (VirtualDub still has troubles with the codec. The colors seem to fade & change. The colors jump back to normal with every keyframe played, but it looks rather bizarre. With WMP 6.4 everythink looks ok...)


                          • setarip
                            • Dec 2001
                            • 24955

                            "And now it's working!!!!
                            Thnx setarip!"

                            My pleasure ;>}

