AC3 codec will not show up in Gspot

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  • Rck60s
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2001
    • 25

    AC3 codec will not show up in Gspot

    I have tried to download and install the AC3 codec in my system but when I use G Spot it tells me that codec not installed....What am I doing wrong...It should be as simple as just downloading it and installing anywhere correct or does it need to be installed in a special place on the system
  • digitaldick
    • Feb 2003
    • 81

    more about that

    Hi Rck60s- was wondering if you ever figured this out? I'm have also been stumped trying to get a movie to play with sound from AC3. Surprising that noone has a suggestion for this. At least, not yet! .......anyone!!!!!?

    <I have tried to download and install the AC3 codec in my system but when I use G Spot it tells me that codec not installed....What am I doing wrong...It should be as simple as just downloading it and installing anywhere correct or does it need to be installed in a special place on the system>

    be wise!


    • UncasMS
      Super Moderator
      • Nov 2001
      • 9047

      ever tried tsunami 397?


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "What am I doing wrong..."

        Exactly what procedure did you use to attempt to install the codec/filter?


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          To digitaldick

          Don't you have any original questions?

          There's nothing to be gained by posting your "tagalongs" on other people's questions...


          • digitaldick
            • Feb 2003
            • 81

            more about that.....

            setarip- you asked < Don't you have any original questions?> Sadly, no! I think I need to learn a lot more to come up with an original question! My questions seem to be the exact same questions that are asked over and over by everybody else.
            You also ask < There's nothing to be gained by posting your "tagalongs" on other people's questions...>
            Well, that is your opinion and you are welcome to it, I guess! But you are incorrect. In this case, what was "gained" was some response to the original post!

            Would you would prefer more posts about the same problem-over and over? This post was posted back on 2-23-03 and was still unanswered! If I hadn't bumped it, it would most likely remain that way. IMHO, I think it best that similiar problems remain in a single post and I think it helps if people with the same problem can compare notes. I know it has helped me learn.
            If you don't like that, then why not just "not" respond? In this case your answer was, IMHO, unhelpful, and it came only after my "tagalong"!.
            The original poster indicated that he/she installed the ac3 filter and then asked a specific question...does it need to be installed in a special place? Nobody answered..after almost a week! I have the exact same issue and I was hoping to learn how/if Rck60s figured it out. You didn't answer the asked another question about how did you attempt to "install" the filter!
            Why not assume that Rck60s installed it the way it says to install it in the documentation, then answer the question if you can or make a suggestion? Obviously the problem of having video and no audio playback from movies encoded with XviD and AC3 is one that gets posted on the Forum over and over. Most of the posts, and I have reviewed maybe 50 on this very issue, do not indicate whether or not they get any help from either the installation of the Tsunami 397 as is almost always suggested by UncasMS to this problem or from the installation of AC3Filter ver 0.63b- at: as is often suggested by The Edge.
            I could have posted another question, sure, but if Rck60s discovered an answer he/she was willing to share and realized a successful playback of the movie, then a lot could have been gained. To me and, hopefully to the many others like me who have this problem, IMHO.

            < I have tried to download and install the AC3 codec in my system but when I use G Spot it tells me that codec not installed....What am I doing wrong...It should be as simple as just downloading it and installing anywhere correct or does it need to be installed in a special place on the system >
            be wise!


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              To digitaldick

              "In this case, what was "gained" was some response to the original post!"

              Rest assured, your tagalong posting in NO WAY contributed to either response to the the original poster, by UncasMS or me...


              • digitaldick
                • Feb 2003
                • 81

                more about that.....

                < Rest assured, your tagalong posting in NO WAY contributed to either response to the the original poster, by UncasMS or me...>

                OK, if you say so! But why the flame?

                Neither of you can be expected to reply to every post. It's just not possible! But don't U think it could be possible that Rck60s found a fix for himself?

                As it is, his question remains STILL unanswered! You answered his question with another question...not an answer! Why not assume that he installed the codec as directed and suggest an answer, if you have one?

                < I have tried to download and install the AC3 codec in my system but when I use G Spot it tells me that codec not installed....What am I doing wrong...It should be as simple as just downloading it and installing anywhere correct or does it need to be installed in a special place on the system >
                be wise!


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  To verbose digital dick

                  "I think I need to learn a lot more to come up with an original question!"

                  And yet, in your ramblings, you are telling me HOW to elicit more meaningful information from a poster with a legitimate question.

                  If you had bothered to read and UNDERSTAND the original poster's question (that you've actually subsequently quoted!), you'd note that it appears that INSTALLATION of the codec does not appear to have been successful.

                  As my last response to you, regarding this and any future postings, I will reiterate what you've referred to as a flame - stop cluttering these forums with your useless tagalong postings - and try your game of attempting to start debates elsewhere.

                  Have a nice day - sincerely ;>}


                  • digitaldick
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 81

                    still more about that

                    < As my last response to you, regarding this and any future postings, I will reiterate what you've referred to as a flame - stop cluttering these forums with your useless tagalong postings - and try your game of attempting to start debates elsewhere. >

                    And I will reiterate back to you- if you don't care to suggest something meaningful, then don't comment. Flaming is not comment and is noted as such in our Forum Rules, in case you have forgotten!
                    And my "game" of debate was not MY game. This was all started by YOU!

                    be wise!


                    • SKD_Tech
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      • Jan 2003
                      • 1512

                      I think here is the full explaination of the aruguement

                      Setarips Point of View - What I think Setarip was trying to express was not to "flame" anyone. From the short time that I have posted with setarip here is what I think he was trying to say

                      You posting again had nothing to do with getting a reply on this post. If no one had a responce 3 or 4 days ago what would make a person think that someone had one now? If someone would have posted that they were looking for a answer in references elsewhere that would've been a different story

                      digitaldick's point of view - I think you took what setarip said to harshly. Yes setarip could've posted in a different way that might come more nicely with the subject (this is not appreciated and you are just wasting a post). But I do not think any harm was meant when setarip posted him comments.

                      Please everyone just get along and keep on a posting



                      • Enchanter
                        Old member
                        • Feb 2002
                        • 5417

                        My simple point of view:

                        digitaldick claims to offer help by bumping up threads. However, it offers hardly any help to the original poster, since he/she can simply come back anytime and check out their post whether a reply has been given or not.

                        Please everyone just get along and keep on a posting
                        I would happily go on IF ONLY digitaldick would give QUALITY posts unlike what he has been dishing out so far.


                        • digitaldick
                          • Feb 2003
                          • 81

                          still more about that...

                          Thanks, SKD_Tech, for your followup, but you didn't really offer a point of view of my point of view. So here it is, once again, my point of view only and I'd appreciate your thoughts on it

                          My only motive for posting back in this thread, originally, was to find out what Rck60s might have done to solve his problem. Since his problem was worded so clearly and was the exact problem that I was having, I hoped to learn from his experience.

                          I have checked and double-checked the Forum Rules and cannot find any reference to what should or should not be in a followup comment to a post, as long as it is on subject and polite. I never professed to be trying to "help" Rck60s, only learn from him, and from anyone else who had this problem and solved it.

                          I confess to being bewildered by the brouhaha that I've stirred up by my followups to posts that have received no comment at all or to which a comment was received and then......nothing! What harm in asking what happened? In many cases this has returned some comment that I found useful, if for no other reason than to share the frustration of an unsolveable issue! So, IMHO, there is something to be gained. Please note that my followups of this type only occur after a post has gone 10 days or more without any activity! People get busy or people forget that they even posted in that time. A bump of the post back to "Page 1" brings the issue back to the attention of a few at least who might have otherwise never seen the post. A new, original post would do the same thing but then the original poster would be left out of the loop. And don't you get tired of seeing the same post on the same problem posted over and over again?

                          My followup comments or "tagalongs" will remain polite, courteous, and on point to the subject matter. I try to never interject into an on-going dialog between two posters and I hope to continue to listen and learn from the experiences of others. Why this tactic upsets those who contribute the most to this Board I cannot understand. But, from what I can determine, Forum Rules do not restrict me from responding to posts just because someone else has not. I also do not find any rules prohibiting the questioning of a suggested fix for a problem to see if it helped. I will resist attempts to censor me, and I will contunue to play by the rules. I do not wish to annoy others and will try to avoid doing so, but not at the risk of denying my freedom to comment and post where I want to and about what I want to.

                          I thank you, again, for your interest in this "situation"!
                          I apologize to Rck60s for what has happened to this original post of his!

                          be wise!

