problem with flask it and ac3...can i have a wav file?

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  • bongo
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2003
    • 4

    problem with flask it and ac3...can i have a wav file?

    do you know if flask it! can output audio in a separate wav file...can't seem to figure out how...only getting ac3 please

    also a fairly newbie at ripping dvds...I have been using dvd2avi resulting in separate avi and wav files; then stitch together and compressing with xvid codec in virtualdub (also I convert the avi 48khz to 44 khz for sync...but strange the quality is pretty crap on the audio...I use mp3 128 compression in v-dub)...

    am i being a useless monkey and doing more work than needed? i tried "mux" it all in dvd2avi but had crazy out of sync audio (no real way to conver to 44kh on the fly)...

    so now I am trying to use flask it but have this only AC3 audio file output that wont feed into virtual dub...need a wav

    if anyone can help making my approach to ripping more efficient that would be great! but otherwise is there an ac3/wav switch in flask it??



    van bc
  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    you'd rather be a *useless monkey* in case you traded xvid/virtualdub for flask

    high quality rips need a little more effort - stick to the quality, flexibility and reliabilty that virtualdub as transcoder with a codec like xvid or divx5 will offer.

    maybe an interface like gordianknot or better DVX will make life easier for you, but dont make that step backwards towards flask!

    in case you're interested in DVX, click my signature pic.
    for gordianknot click the second gif.


    • bongo
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2003
      • 4

      I am ripping a vob into an avi/wav files and for some reason the avi file stops at about 2 gig....this maybe a limit of ther a workaround?


      • UncasMS
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2001
        • 9047

        yes and no

        avi have a 2gig restriction

        when converting vob => avi one hardly crosses this threshold

        why do you go for a final size that is way bigger than say 1800mb (+ audio streams)?

        when capturing avi there's openDML which lets you create bigger files but for conversion there is no need imho.

        a 3cd rip (3x 700mb) has always worked for me and i have never ever needed more bitrate/bigger avi files.


        • bongo
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2003
          • 4

          what codec do you use and what quality settings? for a regular dvd i mean


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            "do you know if flask it! can output audio in a separate wav file...can't seem to figure out how...only getting ac3 please"

            No, it can't. But a simple, yet high quality alternative to try is MPEG Mediator - which can reradily extract the audio in .WAV format...


            • bongo
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2003
              • 4

              i use mjpeg to rip my vobs and then final re-encode using xvid in virtual dub- the beauty of mjpeg is it is FAST but huge (over 2 gig) takes only 90 mins to rip a big vob but 4 hrs with xvid that is why i want to break the 2 gig limit...

              any workarounds...or other codec tips?

