Hi guys. I have Divx and downloaded an avi four cc code changer and I had a .avi film which worked fine. I decided to try this fil out with avi four cc and changed the film to other 'formats' I think! But now it wont play the screen properly, just green and white patches. How can I change it back to how it was as an avi so I can watch it again? There is no option on avi four cc to change it back to avi, just MP41, MP42, MP43 and DIV3, DIV4. None work! What do I do, please help!
My .avi file has changed! How can I correct it?
instead of changing the 4cc code again you might want to install the latest FFDSHOW ALPHA (from may, 23rd - www.google.com will help finding it).
ffdshow is a playback filter collection and most advanced users will recommend ffdshwo for playback of all possible formats as it provides excellent quality.
ffdshow should not really care for your 4cc code but play the file correctly.
when installing ffdshow it will ask you what format you want to play with ffdshow - select ALL!
ffdshow is NO player
use your favourite player after having installed ffdshow and keep your fingers crossed