Only Codec You'll Ever Need! Free!

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  • larry R
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2003
    • 4

    Only Codec You'll Ever Need! Free!

    +++++++++++++++++++ edited ++++++++++++++++++
    Last edited by UncasMS; 2 Aug 2003, 07:25 PM.
  • starionx
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 24

    Hmmm, new member, 1 post, only information is a link... why do I get the feeling that clicking on the link is either going to terminate my PC, or bombard me with a 100 pop up windows.
    I think I'll let someone else be the guinea pig.


    • Enchanter
      Old member
      • Feb 2002
      • 5417

      larry R,

      Give more information on what this "codec of yours" does and is capable of. And if you compiled it from an open-source code, you should as well disclose it. Otherwise, it will be hard for you to gain the trust of the people here that this codec is the "Only Codec You'll Ever Need!".



      • larry R
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2003
        • 4

        no you'll see it's the first of many DCIX codecs, the DCIX is the next generation of compression languages....most movies WILL be using it....


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          To larry R

          I'd suggest that you establish email communication with "admin" (the owner of Digital Digest, which includes these forums, as well as DivX Digest, DVD Digest, and DVDR Digest). I'm sure that once you've provided him with sufficient and satisfactory information, if warranted, he'd be pleased to make your new codec available for download at the appropriate site.

          Good luck with your new "mystery" codec!


          • larry R
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2003
            • 4

            thanks setarip


            • larry R
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2003
              • 4

              the site goes down tomorrow so get it quick!


              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                "the site goes down tomorrow so get it quick!"

                You've now made me even more skeptical than I was when I read your first post...


                • Batman
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  • Jan 2002
                  • 2317

                  Given the huge amounts of spam web surfers must now deal with, you'll have to disclose more information about your codec if you want any favourable response, larry R.


                  • UncasMS
                    Super Moderator
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 9047


                    well, since you said yourself the link you posted here was to be going down, maybe we better get rid of it alltogether.

                    this posting and its content didnt sound serious in any way and you did not bother to change anybodys mind at all by providing meaningful information.

                    should we ever hear of a new wonderful codec associated with you, i will glady apologize for closing this thread.

                    until that day we might be able to live with the reliable codecs we can get our hands on.


