I have a P4 2.66Ghz, 1GB ram, Geforce4 Ti 4200 and Play TVHD capture card(cx23881) running with XP. I've been capturing excellent quality videos for more than 6 months now by capturing in an uncompressed format then post encoding it. My problem is that recently the quality of capture (before encoding) has degraded (very pixelated). After reinstalling drivers and software and checking for interference from all my hardware such as all other cards, power supply, cables etc, decided to reformat and reinstall Windows XP, after this failed to fix the problem I bought a new capture card (WinFast TV2000 XP Expert). With this NEW card I encounter the same low quality pixelated capture.
Could a component of my relatively new computer(ram, processor, motherboard etc) be somehow interfering with the capture process?
Could a component of my relatively new computer(ram, processor, motherboard etc) be somehow interfering with the capture process?