DV Capture

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  • Kiwi†Bird
    Junior Member
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    • Jun 2004
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    DV Capture

    Hi'a everyone...

    Ok, I hope this is the right place to post my questions...

    I just bought a Sony miniDV camcorder. The megapixel for still pictures is around 1.0. I know this isn't great, but it didn't worry me as I already have a 3.2 megapixel digicam. What I didn't realise though, is that it is also the resolution for the video's it records. Now, I'm a total beginner at dv movie making/editing...so bare with me. When I hook the dv camcorder up to the televsion and play the tape direct throught the camcorder onto the tele, the image is crisp as anything. But then, if I try to capture from the 8mm tape, to my hard drive, the quality sucks like a vacuum cleaner!! I love the camera, but it is useless to me if it's not going to give me a good, clear image. So unless I can figure something out, I'm gonna return it.

    I did discover that the broadcasting resolution rate on our tv's here is at least 3.2mp. So with my digicamcorder recording at around 1.0mp, obviously it's nearly only a quarter of what we watch on tele.....which means a quarter of the visual quality. I did wonder if I could get a recordable DVD player, and play the tape directly onto the Tele, through the camcorder, and use the DVD recordable to record it to DVD. But someone I asked said something about needing a RCA connection (whatever that is) and that they don't have that.

    What advice do you have for me? I'm totally stumped.

    Regards, Michaela
    And remember, if you're going through hell........................keep going!!!
  • Floppy


    DV capture R US...

    Well RCA are know as Phono Leads the white(sometimes black)/red/yellow.
    White/red is audio Yellow is video but it is just a color coded cable they are all the same...

    If U wanna capture the video on the DV camera to the PC what U really need is a Firewire cable, that will connect your DV to PC via a ultrafast port.

    Read About Firewire/DV here Just for information purpose only dont have to buy anything.

    Finally I would like 2 say that this may seem complicated now but once u play a bit u will know how it is not that bad...

    The other thing is the benifit of experience in this case mine...

    If choosing a video editing software choose Ulead VideoStudio 8 instead of Pinnacle Studio 9 because it is better deal/quality 4 money...

    Let me know...
    Last edited by Guest; 19 Oct 2004, 07:36 AM.


    • Kiwi†Bird
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2004
      • 44

      Hi'a Floppy,

      Thanks for your reply. Ok, yep, I did go and buy a firewire card, installed it, connected to my camcorder using the firewire cable, and the 'capture' was way better. But I know I can get it even better, cos I was told that using a firewire, you should be able to get the exact quality, with no loss, from a dv camera. Is that correct? Now, I am not sure what I should capture it as though. There are a few choices....avi, dv, mpeg1, mpeg2.......just don't yet know enough about this stuff to make a correct choice. Your input would be most appreciated....Thanks floppy...

      And remember, if you're going through hell........................keep going!!!


      • Floppy

        Hi Michaela

        I Use DV which essentially is .AVI format (Audio Video Interlace) there are two types of .AVI type 1 or Type 2.

        You can always play with the different types (smaller amounts) so as to see for yourself the differences.

        Other formats will have influence on the quality of the file captured no doubt because they will compress the file captured, thus more compression less quality.

        On average a .AVI file will be for an hour of captured video i.e. 10/15 GB a MPeg file will be about 4/5 GB so you can see what I mean?

        It is not practical to put a i.e. 10GB movie on a DVD which will only take on a single layer 4.7GB so you will always have to compress the file regardless.

        For Capture and edit 9Ulead VideoStudio 8) I use DV format (.AVI) then when the rubbish is out and the file is ready (transitions/tittles) I will save it in .AVI and burn it onto a DVD Using NeroVision Express 2 and add Menus to it...

        If U wanna know more please ask...

        Filipe D'oliveira (Floppy)


        • Kiwi†Bird
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2004
          • 44

          Hi'a Floppy,

          Ok, now if I'm understanding this correctly, DV is the best, cos it exactly replicates the DV on the tape, with no loss of quality. That sounds good. I will definately try Ulead Media Studio...thanks for the recommendation. I use Nero Vision Express for all my DVD Authoring, so am familiar with the programme (thankfully, don't have to learn yet another software application!!!!....lol).

          I have done loads of slide shows from still pics, and video clips (taken from my Cannon Powershot A70 camera), and successfully authored DVD's with titles, transitions, effects, music tracks etc..... But when you start using yet another piece of equipment, sheesh, there's so much to learn about that...!

          Thanks for your help Floppy....

          Regards, Michaela
          And remember, if you're going through hell........................keep going!!!


          • Kiwi†Bird
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2004
            • 44

            Oh, also....is there a way to use a custom button picture in Vision Express...? Blow me down if I can't find it!!


            Michaela (Mike)
            And remember, if you're going through hell........................keep going!!!


            • Floppy


              I actually mentioned Ulead VideoStudio 8 not Media studio...

              There is a way to use a custom buttom picture in Nero Vision express 2 wilst creating menus, is that what U wanna know?

              Kiwi†Bird, Michaela or Mike (multiple personality disorder? Nice.... Me too)

              Good things...


              • Kiwi†Bird
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2004
                • 44

                Oops...sorry, video studio. I actually have Ulead VideoStudio 7. I had better update it, eh.

                And yes, how to you get a custom button pic in VisionExpress 2?

                And about multiple personality.....to which of them are you speaking?...

                And remember, if you're going through hell........................keep going!!!


                • Floppy

                  Hi there

                  On Vision Express 2 once you added the video and click next you get the menu screen (Island theme by default) If you right click on th button on the menu and choose propr=erties you have two boxes, just choose the other option and add you own custom picture to the menu button.

                  I will upload a screen capture later, Got to work now... Later then

                  Good things
                  Last edited by Guest; 21 Oct 2004, 01:52 AM.


                  • Floppy

                    Hi there You, her or the other...

                    Here is a screen capture for the Nerovision Express Custom Button.

                    Any more question please just ask...

                    Would u click on the vote link on my signature please, its a multiple option, free, and no strings attached, no information about yourself will be collected or needed....

                    Good things
                    Last edited by Guest; 22 Nov 2005, 10:34 AM.


                    • Floppy


                      Just a quick update... DV format is not AVI is Movie clip.

                      This is the best quality format for capture and saving after edited... all else is fine.



                      • Kiwi†Bird
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 44


                        I voted... Chat room would be good...although once I get to know someone a bit, I don't mind giving my msn over so I can chat.....

                        Thanks for the screenshots of Nero, I knew what you meant by your explanation. But why on earth I didn't think to just right click the button itself.....grrrr....lol.

                        Now, am I understanding your man sentence correctly? (man sentence being, a sentence of not quite correct grammar, which doesn't make complete sense.... ). You're saying that DV and AVI are not the same format. But AVI is a movie clip format, and is the best quality to export your edited video as?

                        Hope I understood you correctly...

                        Thanks for all your efforst Floppy, it is certainly appreciated...

                        Mike, Michaela, or Kiwi†Bird...whatever you like... lol
                        And remember, if you're going through hell........................keep going!!!


                        • Floppy


                          DV is best quality, followed by AVI...

                          The right sentence should have been DV is not the same has AVI, DV is Movie clip, and is the best quality format...

                          Dont forget even the best format when compressed will lose quality... (man Sentence, lol), English isnt even my first language, lol. After 13 hours who cares about gramma...

                          About the chat room you dont need to give any messenger info either... The same e-mail address u used to register to the forums is waht youd need, or even maybe a special e-mail just for the use (if your the suspicious kind) But no one would have access to it anyway??? It is in the digital-digest forums... not a private chat room...

                          I like Michaela better but thats the Man in me... The important is that I made a friend even if your name is Mike. Did I?

                          Good Things...
                          Last edited by Guest; 21 Oct 2004, 08:22 AM.


                          • Kiwi†Bird
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 44

                            Yeah, I've been in a few chat rooms...they are pretty good for the most part....as long as the language is ok...some rooms are pretty grotty...but I'm sure it wouldn't be like that in here....

                            So where exactly is 'somewhere over the rainbow'?

                            And remember, if you're going through hell........................keep going!!!


                            • Floppy

                              Hi Michaela

                              A bad language filter can be applied so that no foul mouthed (fingers) can Enter rude words. But for the most part, it is not permissive under forum rules to use rude/offensive language or attitudes.

                              It is not a Chat room intended so users go and meet other people either with the view of having cyber-sx or anything that way inclined. Any of that would be a breach of rules and the user(s) banned from the chat room.

                              It is only to get help... Exchange knowledge, experiences, and pleasentries. Maybe even defend your views, in civilized constructive manner.

                              All this of course in real-time.

                              Somewhere over the rainbow, is here... Ok I'll tell you, UK Im Portuguese though... been here for 4.6 years...

                              Good things

