could you please explain what you mean by "getting back to XPSP2 DV .SYS files"?
These files I say to replace from the SP2 Cab file with the older versions that you replaced with SP1
OK..... Your system sees the USB thats fine mine did the same thing when i first came across this issue.
But the fact that your system sees the Camera points to another issue. Pluging the camera into another system would be a good idea. Make sure you use the same cable.
I myself had never had this problem....(Controlling Devices)
I suggest looking at what other users are saying with your exact problem.
Not the fact that the DV Device can see the PC but fact that controlling the device from the PC & capturing the video is the main problem at hand
Try unloading from memory everything but what you need to capture the footage ie chat progs, antivirus, net connection etc etc .
Hope this is of some help
Merry Xmas
